This project work titled AUDITORS INDEPENDENCE: ENHANCING ACCOUNTABLIITY AND TRANSPARENCY IN CORPORATE ORGANISATIONS has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Accounting Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 62
1.1  Background To The Study
The Internal audits constitute an independent appraisal function which review the internal control system of the organization established. Auditing ensures the effective, proper, and economic use of resources in the organisation through the objective examination, evaluation and reporting on the adequacy of internal control. The effectiveness of the auditing functions lies on its independence; The independence in terms of organisational status and personal objectivity of the internal auditor facilitates the proper and effective performance of his duties .It is therefore essential that the internal audit unit be appropriately staffed with people with the right qualification and given the training necessary .The internal auditor must constructively align its functions with the management policy and maintain a good working relationship and mutual understanding with management, external auditors, and other review and exercise due care in executing its function of planning, controlling and recording of work. The internal control system must be properly evaluated to ensure its adequacy and effectiveness .The evidence obtained in the audit function should constitute the auditor’s report which must be communicated to the management for appropriate action. It is also the auditors role to ensure that all recommendations and conclusions are monitored to determine that action has been taken on them .The organisation terms of reference for the internal audit function should be clearly specified to enhance the auditors independence in the execution of his legitimate functions. A crucial function of internal auditing is to facilitate management in the creation of value for money. through economic, efficient and effective use of resources. Consequently the auditor must be objective in the presentation of its report to management So as to exercise judgement, express opinions and present recommendations with impartiality.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
The effectiveness of the auditing functions lies on its independence; The independence in terms of organisational status and personal objectivity of the internal auditor facilitates the proper and effective performance of his duties .It is therefore essential that the internal audit unit be appropriately staffed with people with the right qualification and given the training necessary. But many instances reveal that the internal auditor is not given the freedom and independence to exercise his functions objectively.
Unnecessary influences by some senior staff who are part of management some time digress the sense of objectivity of the internal auditor in presenting is report and recommendations to management
This as a result affects the objective of audit and that off the organisation in ensuring effective and economic use of the firm’s resources. Therefore the problem confronting the research is to determine Auditors independence; Enhancing Accountability and transparency in corporate organisations.

1.3 Objectives of the Study
To determine the role of Auditors in corporate organization
To determine Auditors Independence, Accountability and Transparency in corporate organizations. The internal auditor must constructively align its functions with the management policy and maintain a good working relationship and mutual understanding with management, external auditors, and other review and exercise due care in executing its function of planning, controlling and recording of work. The internal control system must be properly evaluated to ensure its adequacy and effectiveness .The evidence obtained in the audit function should constitute the auditor’s report which must be communicated to the management for appropriate action. It is also the auditors role to ensure that all recommendations and conclusions are monitored to determine that action has been taken on them .The organisation terms of reference for the internal audit function should be clearly specified to enhance the auditors independence in the execution of his legitimate functions.

1.4 Research Questions
What is the role of Auditors What is the impact of the Auditors independence in enhancing Accountability and transparency in corporate organisations?
1.5 Significance of the Study
The study proffers the important role of the Auditor in the organization and the need for the independence of the auditor in facilitating accountability and transparency in the organization.
1.6  Research Hypothesis
Ho The level of Auditors independence in corporate organisation is low
Hi The level of Auditors independence in corporate organisation is high
Ho The impact of Auditors independence in enhancing Accountability and transparency in corporate organisations is negative Hi The impact of Auditors independence in enhancing Accountability and Transparency in corporate organisation is positive.
1.7 Scope of the Study
The study focuses on the appraisal of the Auditors independence in Enhancing Accountability and transparency in corporate organisations.
1.8  Limitations of the Study
The research was confronted by some constraints as geographical factor and logistics
1.9  Definition of Terms
Organisation The organisation consists of a group of people in the conduct of business activities of providing goods and services with the common purpose of achieving corporate aims and objective.
Audit Committee
A committee Instituted to carry out the external and internal audit plans, programs and reviews internal control arrangements.
Internal Auditor A person whose function is the conduct of internal audit in the organisation.
Internal Control  The regulation of work activities through systems designed in the organisation and implemented for the purpose of achieving management objectives.
Internal Audit  The Internal audits constitute an independent appraisal function which review the internal control system of the organization established. Auditing ensures the effective, proper, and economic use of resources in the organisation through the objective examination, evaluation and reporting on the adequacy of internal control.

==== The End ====

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