This project work titled ANALYSIS OF THE IMPACT OF CONTINUOUS STRIKE ON STUDENTS ACADEMICS PERFORMANCE IN NIGERIAN HIGHER INSTITUTIONS has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 74
1.1.    Background to the Study
          Education is a crucial element in the process of human development be it formal, informal and non-formal education, education is the light to all human endeavours and it is always at various levels. We have it at the primary school, secondary and post secondary levels.
          For a country to develop economically, technologically and to achieve her national objectives. There is need for stability in all sectors of her national life including education sector.
          The importance of education cannot be overemphasized, it helps to build manpower and prepare the citizen of a country for self-reliance.
          As useful as education is to human development of any country than there is need for stable education. In the recent past, there has been no smooth running of educational system in Nigeria. Strike is now an element that the workers use to express their grievance.
          There appears to be a general feeling among workers that an employer will not recognize their importance unless and until they have on strike with consequences of economic damage to employer. The incessant strike action been witnessed in the educational sector calls for concerns of all and sundry. Education is believed to be the major factor of development in every civilized society.
          The provision of educational system for every country largely depends on many factors. Both the psychologists and educationists are continuously emphasizing that there are clear evidences that pupils’ success in the school is based on the effort of the teachers or lecturers.
          Strike can be described as a situation whereby no work is done because of the disagreement between the employer and the employee as short pay or working condition. Strike action started in Nigeria in the 18th century and it has persisted up to this day. Strike action in Nigeria can be traced back to 1897 when there was (3 days) three days strike embarked upon by the artisan workmen in the “Public Work Department in Lagos in Protest against the workmen’s hour.
          The reaction of the then government showed that it was really a combat between the colonial government and the artisan workmen. Indeed, it could be said that by referring to the number of strike and main-day lost whereby improving the total number of labour force, Nigeria record might be regarded as satisfactory relations is the extent of individual unrest as measured by the number of strike and total main-day lost therein.
          The numbers of main-days lost through declared disputes were banned by law. More so, the fact that in the smaller enterprises and industries has been weak, to that extent, thus means that strike statistic did adequately measure the industrial situation.
          Furthermore, the strike of the Academic Staff Union of University (ASUU) is another situation whereby students in tertiary institutions were force to stay at home for months due to liability of the management and the failure of government to provide a comfortable working environment and good facilities in the University. This was one of the various reasons why Staff Union of Universities indefinite strike action of 2003, was to press for adequate funding of Universities to provide necessary infrastructure for teaching and research what happened reveals that, if the educational sector is not properly handled and sponsored by the government and put a stop to this problem, it could causes unrepairable damage to our educational system.
1.2.    Statement of the Problem
          Strike has plainly become the order of the day in our country and it is a common fact been witnessed in all aspects of our national life.
          However, the source of struggle in this country are numerous some of which are particular to respective organizations including territory institutions. Source of internal struggle sometimes it may come from administrative styles. Nature of physical environment of the work place, the condition of being a wake for promotion system, wages and
cumbersomeness of grievance and dispute procedures. The external source of struggle includes government and economic policies. Nature of labour legislature, unpatriotic and unethical behaviour of political class, nation economic, mismanagement and general distribution of wealth and power in the society.
          Similarly, in the year 2003, the lecturers of University of Ibadan in conjunction with their counterparts in other Universities embarked on strike action which lasted for six months (6 months) whereby students were compelled to stay at home. The strike action embarked upon by Academic and Non-Academic Staff of the University, as a result of the management’s failure are government’s insensibly to the provision of a conducive working environment and adequate facilities in the school. Also, the salaries and allowance were not prompted paid. All these culminated into strike action.
1.3.    Purpose of the Study  
          The purpose of the study is to investigate the causes of strike and its effect on students’ academic performance in tertiary institution in Nigeria.
          In the course of this study, the researcher will look into the following:
-                     To determine the cause of strike
-                     To find solution to common strike that normally occurs among the government workers and students.
-                     To examine whether the use of strike action as the only means of asking for workers right has been fruitful.
1.4.    Research Questions
          The study is designed to answer the following research questions.
1.     What are the causes of strike in tertiary institutions?
2.     How effective is strike action as a tool in meeting worker demand?
3.     Had the use of strike action as the only means of demand for workers right been fruitful?
4.     What has been the impact of strike action on academic performance of students in tertiary institutions?
1.5.    Significance of the Study
          This study is designed to investigate the causes of strike and its effects on students academic performance in tertiary institution in Nigeria and to examine the level at which lecturer strike is affecting the life of the students both in their academic performance and their future life as a whole.
          To examine the causes and how government, lecturer, students and parents reacting to the strike action which in turn to affect the entire society and make the education of country deteriorate.
          The study is significant because it is a bold attempt at probing into a subject generally considered a big problem in the school system. This study is also significant because it will suggest lasting solution aimed at reducing; if not totally eliminate strike action in this country in general and University of Ibadan in particular.  It will also serve as an eye-opener to the employee that strike action is not the only means of demanding for the rights.
1.6.    Scope of the Study
          This study is concern with “an investigation into the causes of strike and its effects on students academic performance in tertiary institutions” a case study of University of Ibadan (UI).
1.7.    Delimitation of the Study
          In a research of this magnitude there is no doubt that some problems were encountered by the researcher. In the course of gathering the necessary data for the execution of the project. The researcher met with a lot of constraint. There is also problem of reluctant response of respondents to fill the questionnaire which make it hand to realize the result fully. Some of these problems include that the time, attitude of respondents and financial constraints for the study.
          The time constraint has to do with the limited period available to the researcher within which to complete the project. Also, the attitude of respondents was a constraint because of the general tendency for people to hide their feeling by the researcher data and Institution University of Ibadan (U.I).
1.8.    Definition of Terms
Strike: It could be described as a situation whereby no work is done because of disagreement between the employer and the employee as a result of short pay or work condition.
Education: Can be define as “a progressive perfection of humanity from a simple uncultivated, primitive, state of mind through the hard discipline of labour and toil the consciousness and exercise of its freedom”.
Students:   is the set of people learning in an environment at a particular period of time.
Performance: Manner of quality of functioning informal mode of conduct or behaviour. The performance of a public is how he is been able to do piece of work or activity in the classroom set up.
Higher Education: This means the tertiary level of education which include polytechnics, College of Education and Universities, but for the purpose of this study Universities.
Management: this described the behaviour of those responsible for the decision that determines the allocation of the physical and human resources within an organization thus culminating in activities which are webbed into a system.

==== The End ====

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