This project work titled AN ASSESSMENT ON THE EFFECT OF HOME DELIVERY AMONG PREGNANT WOMEN has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Medicine Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 72
The study was designed to determine the effect of home delivery among pregnant women of Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government Area Kaduna State. The project is divided into 5 chapters in other to make easy understanding, chapter 1 scope and delimitation, aim and objectives, limitation and defination of terms of the study. Chapter 2 focused on literature review of the study from different authors, which the topics is divided into sub-topic, they include: effect of home delivery, causes of home delivery, which are poverty, lack of clinics, ignorance, lack of personnels, distance also tried to find the risk factor associated with home delivery which are complication like haemorrage, retained placenta, obstructed labour, maternal mortality infection etc. chapter 3 deals with the methodology used in the research project they are research design, population of the study which is about 6050 people, the sample study is 100 people, the sampling, the data collection used in this work is questionnaire which are distributed top different people, the instrument used for data analysis is simple table chart with percentage. The next chapter discuss on the presentation of findings of data collected from the respondents and the last chapter deals with summary of findings, conclusion, recommendation and references, which shows that home delivery can reduce through creating, provision of adequate clinics and personnel. 27% believes is adequate medical personnels and 37% said health education, the majority of the respondent belief it is an adequate clinics that will reduce home delivery followed by health education and adequate personnels, from table 13, it shows that 50% of the respondent have only on health centre in their area while 30% have 2 and 19% have 3 above, therefore majority of the respondent have only 1 clinic in there area.
Home delivering is a common traditional belief that child birth is a natural process which does not require any medical attention and should be conducted at home by the family who is a well known and trusted figure for the family, is easily available and is not very expensive. Home deliveries by traditional birth attendant are a cultural norm in Nigeria. This is true both for rural areas as well as urban slums. This attitude coupled with poverty, illiteracy and ignorance regarding complication of delivery is responsible for the majority of women preffering to deliver at home in Nigeria.
World wide, an estimated 529,000 maternal deaths occur every year almost all of them in developing countries e.g. Nigeria, Chad, … is an inverse relationship between the proportion of deliveries assisted by a skilled attendant and the maternal mortality ratio in these countries.
According to WHO, immediate and effective professional care at the time of delivery can make the difference between life and death for both women and their new born. Furthermore, this care should be available close to where people live, but at the same time safe with a skilled professional able to act immediately when unpredictable complications occurs TBAs (whether trained or not) have not been included among the skilled birth attendants by the WHO. Since their training has not shown any reduction in maternal mortality. However, it has been suggested that TBAs could perform the role of the skilled attendants where required with some training. As they may be the only source of care for some women. In addition they may also serve to provide emotional support and health education to pregnant women at the local level.
According to the latest Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (DNHs) 2007, the maternal mortality ratio of Nigeria is 276/100,000 live births and the three major killers are post partum hemorrhage, puerperal sepsis and eclampsia. This survey, the largest household survey ever conducted in Nigeria also showed that 65% of deliveries are conducted at home. Traditional birth attendants assisted almost 79% of home deliveries followed by relatives or friends in 11%. According to this survey, the most frequent reason (stated by 57% of women) for not delivering in a facility was the belief that it was not necessary. The next most common reason (stated by 38% of women) was that the cost is too much.
I observed that home delivery is very common in Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government, in most cases of the delivery, a complication usually arise which include a high risk of neonatal or bleeding and fatal malposition which may lead to the dead of the baby or the mother. Also sometimes it happens that the women may have a serious problem or the baby in which the person near her will not observe anything about it unless through medical personnel (doctors, nurse, midwives).
This study is meant to find out the effect of home delivery among pregnant women in Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government.
The aim of the study is to determine the effect of home delivery among pregnant women in Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government Area through the following objectives:
1. To identify the reason and adverse outcomes of home deliveries in women.
2. To identify the possible measures that will reduce home delivery among pregnant women in Sabon Gari.
3. To understand the effect of home delivery.
4. To identify the causes of home delivery among pregnant women.
5. To make recommendation according to findings.
The significance of the study is to create awareness among pregnant women especially those of child bearing age within Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government.
Also to help people to know the importance of health care facility delivery in order to prevent complication that may arise at home such as post partum haemorage, maternal mortality.
The scope of this study is limited to women of child bearing age and pregnant women of Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government Area, which will show the effect of home delivery.
1. What is home delivery?
2. What are the causes of home delivery?
3. What are the effects of home delivery?
4. What are the importance of delivering at the presence of a medical personnel?
5. What are the possible measures that will reduce home delivery?
In the research project, I experience a lot of limitation which are:
1. Financial difficulties
2. Lack of time
Maternal mortality: death rate of women as a result of complication.
TBAs: Traditional Birth Attendant
Post partum haemorage: is the loss of more than 500ml – 1000ml of blood within the first 24hours following child birth.
4. Bleeding: is the loss of blood from the body as a result of injury.
5. Puerperal sepsis: is a condition that occurs after child birth as a result of infection.
The study was designed to determine the effect of home delivery among pregnant women of Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government Area Kaduna State. The project is divided into 5 chapters in other to make easy understanding, chapter 1 scope and delimitation, aim and objectives, limitation and defination of terms of the study. Chapter 2 focused on literature review of the study from different authors, which the topics is divided into sub-topic, they include: effect of home delivery, causes of home delivery, which are poverty, lack of clinics, ignorance, lack of personnels, distance also tried to find the risk factor associated with home delivery which are complication like haemorrage, retained placenta, obstructed labour, maternal mortality infection etc. chapter 3 deals with the methodology used in the research project they are research design, population of the study which is about 6050 people, the sample study is 100 people, the sampling, the data collection used in this work is questionnaire which are distributed top different people, the instrument used for data analysis is simple table chart with percentage. The next chapter discuss on the presentation of findings of data collected from the respondents and the last chapter deals with summary of findings, conclusion, recommendation and references, which shows that home delivery can reduce through creating, provision of adequate clinics and personnel. 27% believes is adequate medical personnels and 37% said health education, the majority of the respondent belief it is an adequate clinics that will reduce home delivery followed by health education and adequate personnels, from table 13, it shows that 50% of the respondent have only on health centre in their area while 30% have 2 and 19% have 3 above, therefore majority of the respondent have only 1 clinic in there area.
Home delivering is a common traditional belief that child birth is a natural process which does not require any medical attention and should be conducted at home by the family who is a well known and trusted figure for the family, is easily available and is not very expensive. Home deliveries by traditional birth attendant are a cultural norm in Nigeria. This is true both for rural areas as well as urban slums. This attitude coupled with poverty, illiteracy and ignorance regarding complication of delivery is responsible for the majority of women preffering to deliver at home in Nigeria.
World wide, an estimated 529,000 maternal deaths occur every year almost all of them in developing countries e.g. Nigeria, Chad, … is an inverse relationship between the proportion of deliveries assisted by a skilled attendant and the maternal mortality ratio in these countries.
According to WHO, immediate and effective professional care at the time of delivery can make the difference between life and death for both women and their new born. Furthermore, this care should be available close to where people live, but at the same time safe with a skilled professional able to act immediately when unpredictable complications occurs TBAs (whether trained or not) have not been included among the skilled birth attendants by the WHO. Since their training has not shown any reduction in maternal mortality. However, it has been suggested that TBAs could perform the role of the skilled attendants where required with some training. As they may be the only source of care for some women. In addition they may also serve to provide emotional support and health education to pregnant women at the local level.
According to the latest Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (DNHs) 2007, the maternal mortality ratio of Nigeria is 276/100,000 live births and the three major killers are post partum hemorrhage, puerperal sepsis and eclampsia. This survey, the largest household survey ever conducted in Nigeria also showed that 65% of deliveries are conducted at home. Traditional birth attendants assisted almost 79% of home deliveries followed by relatives or friends in 11%. According to this survey, the most frequent reason (stated by 57% of women) for not delivering in a facility was the belief that it was not necessary. The next most common reason (stated by 38% of women) was that the cost is too much.
I observed that home delivery is very common in Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government, in most cases of the delivery, a complication usually arise which include a high risk of neonatal or bleeding and fatal malposition which may lead to the dead of the baby or the mother. Also sometimes it happens that the women may have a serious problem or the baby in which the person near her will not observe anything about it unless through medical personnel (doctors, nurse, midwives).
This study is meant to find out the effect of home delivery among pregnant women in Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government.
The aim of the study is to determine the effect of home delivery among pregnant women in Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government Area through the following objectives:
1. To identify the reason and adverse outcomes of home deliveries in women.
2. To identify the possible measures that will reduce home delivery among pregnant women in Sabon Gari.
3. To understand the effect of home delivery.
4. To identify the causes of home delivery among pregnant women.
5. To make recommendation according to findings.
The significance of the study is to create awareness among pregnant women especially those of child bearing age within Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government.
Also to help people to know the importance of health care facility delivery in order to prevent complication that may arise at home such as post partum haemorage, maternal mortality.
The scope of this study is limited to women of child bearing age and pregnant women of Sabon Gari Kaduna South Local Government Area, which will show the effect of home delivery.
1. What is home delivery?
2. What are the causes of home delivery?
3. What are the effects of home delivery?
4. What are the importance of delivering at the presence of a medical personnel?
5. What are the possible measures that will reduce home delivery?
In the research project, I experience a lot of limitation which are:
1. Financial difficulties
2. Lack of time
Maternal mortality: death rate of women as a result of complication.
TBAs: Traditional Birth Attendant
Post partum haemorage: is the loss of more than 500ml – 1000ml of blood within the first 24hours following child birth.
4. Bleeding: is the loss of blood from the body as a result of injury.
5. Puerperal sepsis: is a condition that occurs after child birth as a result of infection.
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