This project work titled AN APPRAISAL OF THE NATURE AND FRAME WORK FOR MANAGEMENT OF ORGANISATIONAL CONFLICT has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Human Resource Management Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

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Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 86
The study provides an appraisal of the nature and framework for the management of organizational conflict. It proffers a structural study of the nature of organizational conflict and its effect elucidates the nature and framework for the management of organizational conflict. The study provides an appraisal of the process of conflict management and resolution as fundamental for peace and industrial harmony. A case study   is conducted on the nature and framework for the management of organizational conflict in the ogun state civil service.

An organizational conflict has been viewed as a perceived condition that exist between parties in which one or more of the parties perceives goal incompatibility and some opportunity for interfering with the goal attainment of others. There are three proposition about conflict as observed by Albanese (1998).These propositions are that conflict arises within a context of interdependence; conflict can occur or grow out of the similarities of the requirements of organization members. Managing conflict requires both the reduction and stimulation of the level of conflict. For more understanding of the resolution of industrial conflict, there is the need to throw more light on the conflict process. Albanese (1998) posits that conflict is a dynamic process in nature. It also means that conflict involves an element of time sequence and a series of events rather than a discrete event that occurs at one moment. Further more, according to kilman and Thomas (1978), as quoted in Albanese(1998), the process models of behavior place the parties in conflict in a temporal sequence of events, And behavior is assumed to be directly. Influenced by preceding events and anticipation of subsequent events. Knowing how to manage and cope with conflict as observed by Albanese(1998), is a skill of increasing importance to managers. This view is true because of a variety of forces, operating within and outsides the organisations that make conflict a more probable dimension of managerial problems. Basically conflict can affect all components of job performance; such as role perception, abilities and skill, motivation, and the situational context. Mary Parker Follett as quoted in Albanese (1998), proposed three main ways of dealing with conflict such as domination, compromise, and integration.
Accordingly domination is regarded as a style used by someone operating from a position of power. This is a style regarded these days a win-lose style. On the other hand, integration style is the win –win style of managing conflict. The style involves the use of creative, problem- solving approach to conflict management. Compromise indicates creating a situation for the parties in conflict to partake in share of some win and losing. In modern times there is two dimensional approach to management of organizational conflict. In essence, therefore ,the approach is viewed. In terms of two dimensions; one represents a persons degree of concerns for his or her own interest or goals. The other represents the persons degree of concern for the other persons interest or goals. This is a simplistic view of the modern approach to the management of organizational conflict, there are five basic  conflict- management styles consisting of competition, avoidance, accommodation, compromise, and collaboration. Therefore the research seek to proffer an appraisal of the nature and framework for the management of organizational conflict.
An organizational conflict has been viewed as a perceived condition that exist between parties in which one or more of the parties perceives goal incompatibility and some opportunity for interfering with the goal attainment of others. Organisational conflict seems to be a condition that  is unavoidable in view of changing economic realities. Workers must always make demands and sometimes agitate over management policy viewed as against the interest of the workers. However    many organization do not anticipate neither   evolve a framework for the managing of this conflict. These as a result affect the progress of work and peace in the organization. An organization devoid of industrial peace and harmony cannot achieve its set goals and objectives neither enhance worker productivity. Therefore the problem confronting this research is to provide an appraisal of the nature and framework for management of organisational conflict with a case study of the Ogun state civil service.
1.     What is the nature of organizational conflict?  
2.     What is the nature and  framework for the management of organizational  conflict?
3.     What is the nature and frame work for the management of organizational conflict  in the ogun state civil service
1.    To   determine the nature of organizational conflict
2.    To determine the nature and frame work for the management of organizational conflict
3.    To determine the nature and frame work for the management  of organizational conflict in the ogun state civil service
The research shall provide the guiding principle for the development of a framework for the management of organisational conflict. It shall also serve as  a veritable source of information for managers and union leaders.
1.       Ho:     The level of conflict in the ogun state civil service is low
        Hi:        The level of conflict in the ogun state civil service is high
2.   Ho:   Framework for the management of conflict is not given significant attention in  ogun state civil service
     Hi:   Framework for the management of conflict is given significant attention in ogun state civil service
3.       Ho:    The impact of the framework for the management of organizational conflict  in ogun state civil service is low
          Hi:      The impact of the framework for the management of organizational conflict is  in ogun state civil service is high
The study focuses on the appraisal of the nature and framework for the management of organizational conflict It provides a structural study on the nature of organizational conflict and proffer guiding principle for the management of organizational conflict.
ORGANISATIONAL CONFLICT DEFINED An organizational conflict has been viewed as a perceived condition that exist between parties in which one or more of the parties perceives goal incompatibility and some opportunity for interfering with the goal attainment of others.
COMPETITION   DEFINED This approach involves high assertiveness and low on competitiveness. The style is essentially power oriented and approaches conflict in terms of a win-lose strategy.
AVOIDANCE DEFINED Albanese (1998) posits that an avoidance style may reflect the failure to address important issues and a tendency to remain neutral when there is a need to take a position and therefore, of no value as a model of managing conflict
ACCOMMODATING DEFINED The accommodating style portrays low position on assertiveness and high consideration for cooperativeness. Accordingly, Albanese (1998) posits that A person who uses an accommodating style as the primary approach to conflict management may be showing too little concern for his personal goals. This can lead to loss of influence and and recognition, Nevertheless, the style may be employed for gaining acceptance and affiliation.
COMPROMISE The style involves considering   expediency  above  principles as regards seeking short term solutions at the expense of longterm objective.
COLLABORATION The collaborative approach involves the position of high assertiveness and high cooperativeness in terms of personal goals and the goals of others respectively.

==== The End ====

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