This project work titled A SURVEY OF FACTORS THAT CONTRIBUTE TO POOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF PUPILS IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Education Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 70
Mathematics could be said to be the study of pattern and relationship which can be exposed in symbols. It embraces and important ideas about numbers and spaces which involve problem solving activities and very powerful way of communication numbers are therefore abstract not objects that we can hold, feel or see. They are concepts that exists only in our minds Although we can see four oranges, two boys, three goats, four stick, just to mention a few, and of courses we can see and we can hold number written as 1,2,3, and soon which are simply symbols to represent the various quantities they stand for through instructional aids or materials. Mathematics was invented because men need it to solve his domestics and economic problem like buying and selling. This is simply the philosophy behind the growth of the subject and this is also the basis for its philosophy of his teaching and learning in primary schools. Through the history of the ancient mathematics was
tremendously useful in every aspects of man’s life and in his endeavor for instances mathematics has been used in developing scientific knowledge in physics chemicals machines in chemistry and biology. All these have made possible through skillful application of mathematics knowledge in our immediate environment we find that home, office equipment instrument machines, vehicles and even human structure all bear evidence at mathematics properties and truth the modern man therefore, needs too have an insight into the structure and functioning of these material.
The development of any nation or community largely depends upon the quality of education available to its citizens. It is generally believed that the basis for any true development must commence with the development of human resources. Hence, formal education remains the vehicle for social-economic development and social mobilization in any society.  Primary education is the foundation on which further education is built. Primary education has two main purposes. The first purpose is to produce a literate and numerate population that can jointly deal with problems both at home and at work. It also serves as a foundation on which further education is built (Akanle, 2007).
In spite of the importance of primary education, the education sector continues to face many challenges. According to ISSER (2008) the performance of many children is failing to meet the minimum learning requirements and to acquire basic skills and competencies. In 2006, the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) results released by the West African Examination Council (WAEC) showed that out of the 308,379 candidates who sat for the examination, only 190,921 candidates were able to obtain aggregates between 06 and30 (the required national pass aggregates), which represented 62 per cent (WAEC, 2006). Pupils academic performance is considered a vital indicator of good schooling, so the poor performance of pupils at primary education level has not only led to public outcry, but also educationists have been increasingly occupied in their attempt to identify factors that is responsible for  poor academic performance of pupils and most especially among public primary school pupils in Nigeria. For example, Anamuah-Mensah (2010), an educationist attributed the phenomenon to lack of effective supervision and monitoring at school, lack of motivation for teachers and inadequate number of qualified teachers to fill empty classrooms. 
Having a knowledge of the common time table in mathematics is a Herculean task.
In Enugu State, Enugu-South Local Government has thirty Nine (39) primary schools, there are also private schools recently opened in each zone and schools for nomads, with qualified teachers.  But then these have not helped matters.  Constant research in curriculum development and introduction of continuous assessment are yet to take care of this issue of poor academic performance in primary schools in Local Government Areas.
Information available from the Enugu State Ministry of Education indicates that there has been a steady decline in the performance of pupils in the first school leaving certificate examination.  Data available indicates that the cut-off mark from entry into Secondary schools have been lowered to enable pupil get admission into the state secondary schools.  The data showed that from 2000 to 2005 distinctions in the first school leaving certificate has been relatively scarce.
This has necessitated the basis for this research with a view to find some solutions to these persistent problems.
Basically the purpose of this study is to establish if there is actually a poor academic performance among the primary schools in Enugu South Local Government Area.  Essentially, the study is aimed at unraveling the factors that lead to the poor academic performance of pupils in primary schools in Enugu South with a view of finding solution to the problems.
This study will be of great help to policy makers in Nigeria Educational System most especially in the area of planning and optimum utilization of human and material resources.
It will also be of help to students and researchers who might be interested in this area of study. 
The findings of this study will help in no small measure in identifying the factors that are responsible for the poor academic performance.
The study will also avail researchers appropriate recommendations to issues related to poor academic performance.  Through this study the various stake-holders will be able to understand their various roles that will help to reduce poor academic performance.
The following research questions were answered:
1.5.1  To what extent does parental influence contribute to the poor academic performance of primary school pupils in Enugu South Local Government Area?
1.5.2  Does these major factors:- Quality of teacher, laxity on the part of government, Environmental influence, contribute to the poor academic performance of primary school pupils in Enugu South Local Government Area?
1.5.3  What are the possible strategies for improving the academic performance of primary schools pupils in Enugu South Local Government?
1.6.1  This study is designed to investigate the factors that contribute to poor academic performance of primary school pupils in Enugu South Local Government Area.
1.6.2  To determine the contributions of parental influence to the poor academic performance of primary schools pupils in Enugu South Local Government area.
1.6.3  The Strategies for improving the academic performance of primary school pupils in Enugu South Local Government area.
This study is restricted to primary schools in Enugu South Local Government area Enugu State
The researcher was confronted with a number of obstacles / difficulties in the course of this study.  Some of these limitations are discussed below:
1.7.1  Respondent
Some of the respondents exhibited negative characters.  Some bluntly refused to fill the questionnaire or answer basic question possed on them.  While some of them reluctantly accepted to respond with some reservation and maintained that they were not in the best position to respond when actually there were.
1.7.2  Finance
There was a problem of inadequate fund to transport the researcher from her house to places where vital information as concerned this research work could be obtained.  Inadequate finance restricted the researcher from obtaining certain necessary materials.  Thus, for a successful research work, money is a motivator.
1.7.3  Problems of getting accurate statistical data

It was difficult on the researcher to get accurate statistical data for his research work since there were different teachers with different qualifications in those selected primary schools in Enugu South Local Government area.
There are 39 primary schools in this Local government out of which a sample of 10 schools was selected.
The schools are listed below in table form
Idaw River Primary School
I,   II,   III,   IV
Enugu Urban
Agbani Road Primary School
I,   II
Enugu Urban
Zik Avenue Primary School
I,   II,   III,   IV
Enugu Urban
Uwani River Primary School
Enugu Urban
Community Primary School Ugwuaji Awkunanaw
Enugu Urban
Robinson Street Primary School
I,   II
Enugu Urban
Igbariam Street  Primary School
I,   II,   III
Enugu Urban
Achara Layout Primary School
I,   II,   III,   IV
Enugu Urban
Army Children’s Primary School
I,   II,   III,   IV
Enugu Urban
1.8.1  Supervision of Instruction
Supervision of instruction is defined as a process or an activity by which an individual or group of individuals, by means of advising and stimulating interests in teachers and learners, help to improve teaching and learning situation in Educational institutions.
1.8.2  Classroom visitation
This is a situation where the supervisor visits a school for a specific purpose of observing the teacher and his pupils in an actual teaching – learning situation.
1.8.3  Performing
Performing as a process in skill acquisition enables pupils carry out the activities they have been taught and have been guided on what to do.  Performance is an act of achievement
1.8.4  Academic Performance
This refers to academic achievement of the child.  Any child that pays enough attention to his academic pursuit will have a good academic performance and the reverse is the case for truants and those that are academically well owing to their unduly behaviour and non-challant attitude to their studies.
1.8.5  Evaluation
Evaluation is a process of ascertaining or finding out the strength and weakness of students based on what is taught by the teacher under a specified period of time.
1.8.6  Education
Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skill, attitude and moral.  It is a process of equipping an individual be it young or adult with worthwhile values that will help him to function well in the society.
It is a process through which societies established to see that its cultural heritage (values, belief e.t.c) is passed on to the younger ones (next generation) Education starts from birth to death.
1.8.7  Primary Education
This is transmission of worthwhile values to children within the ages of 6-11 years.  It is education given to a child from the age of 6 – 11 years. Which help the child to master the three (3) RS-reading, writing and arithmetics.

==== The End ====

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