This project work titled A STUDY ON THE FACTORS MILITATING AGAINST HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Business Administration Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 64
1.1 Background of the Study
The purpose of human resource management policy is to ensure efficient and effective development of human resources management. Armstrong (2009) stresses the human resource management as the process of increasing knowledge, skills and the capacity of people in the society. Vance and Paik (2006) averred that the process of human resource management, unlock the door to modernization. Human resources are the life blood stream of an organization. Despite the application of technology in modern business management, human resources are still relevant and most adaptive resource of the organization. The strategic values of human resource management stems from the fact that apart from other resources employed in the course of production (Land, capital, technology etc) which are passive, human resources are endowed with discretionary decision making power and this have competitive advantage over other resources. The challenges of development are to improve the quality of life, which the economist argue that it is the human resources of a nation, not its physical capital or its natural resources that ultimately determine the character and pace of its economic and social development. Not gold but only men, can make a nation great and strong. According to late professor Frederick Harrison of Princeton University: - Human beings are the active agents who accumulate capital, exploit natural resource, build social, economic and political organization and carry forward national development. GeeGrad (1995) stated fundamentally that men are the key to all problems, not money. Funds are valuable only when used by trained, experienced, and devoted men and women.
The emergence of globalization is favored by the facts that our societies are now organized around knowledge production, having evolved from an industrial development mode. The management of human resource is complex and problematic because the individuals as workers hardly adapt or voluntarily embrace the objectives of the organization. As individuals, the employees have needs, aspirations, motivations, desires and interests which influences their behavior at work but unfortunately these objectives are sometime in conflict with the corporate objectives of the enterprise. In reconciling these conflicting interests Human Resources Management and planning are useful tools employed in harmonizing the needs of the employees with the goals and objectives of the organization on a continuous basis.
The nature and purpose of Human Resource Management at an organizational level differs across countries and regions and between different types of organization. The primary task of Human resource management is to ensure that the organization human resource are utilized and managed effectively. Human Resource practitioners are saddled with the responsibility of designing and implementing policies and programs that will enhance human abilities and improves the organization’s overall effectiveness. Empirical studies have shown that poor human relations at work, neglect of staff welfare programs and lack of motivation are some of the factors that cause industrial strike and declining productively in the work setting. Therefore the modern day entrepreneurs recognized the importance and the role of human resource management practitioners in developing these valuable resources.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
This research was designed to study the factors militating against human resource development. So many organization have high number of human resource recruitment related problems that affect the general functioning of the system. Burton (2003) and Kane (2001) have identified factors which are barriers that affect human resource recruitment. Some of the pertinent issues are, top management, has a low priority, and offer a short term view of what the real issues in human resource management and the profession is. Organizations now experience inefficiency in workforce planning, inability of some staff to communicate staffs, political interference in recruitment process, favoritism in appraisal and promotion, lack of seriousness in issues of discipline and lack of compliance in human resource recruitment principles are the major obstacles in effective human resource development.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The main objective of this study is to study on the factors militating against effective human resource in Nigeria, specifically the study intends to
1. Find out the benefits and importance of effective HR development in an organization
2. Investigate the challenges faced by the HR development and the factors causing them
3. Analyze if the effects of those challenges has on the performance of the Organization
4. Proffers solution to those challenges
1.4 Research Question
1. Find out the benefits and importance of effective HR development in an organization
2. Investigate the challenges faced by the HR department and the factors causing them
3. Analyze if the effects of those challenges has on the performance of the Organization
4. Proffers solution to those challenges
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study on the factors militating against effective HR development is a great concern to Nigerian economy in its entirety. The significance of this study, no doubt, would be a source of succor and relaxation to different organizations whose appraisal, promotions, inadequate recruitment, placement practices and communication barrier affects the performance of the company. Empirically, the study of this would enhance the policy formulation and implementation in the company. This study would be of immense help to policy makers and organizational administrator as it will reveal to them, the qualitative human resource recruitment practice of organizational administration. The study would unveil immeasurably, the activities of the politicians and government interference through the officers at the helm of affairs especially in recruitment of staff thereby reducing the level of corruption in the entire system. The findings and recommendations of this study would add to the existing literature of globalization in the area of human resource recruitment. Such additional literature will enrich the researcher’s knowledge with regard to exploring ways to improve the operational effectiveness and the service delivery.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This work is on the factors militating against effective HR development in Nigeria will cover the staffs and HR department Dufil food, makers of Indomie instant noodles in Ado-Odo Otta, Ogun state.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
The challenge of finance for the general research work will be a challenge during the course of study. However, it is believed that these constraints will be worked on by making the best use of the available materials and spending more than the necessary time in the research work. Therefore, it is strongly believed that despite this constraint, its effect on this research report will be minimal, thus, making the objective and significance of the study achievable.
1.8 Definition of terms
Factors: a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result.
Militating: of a fact or circumstance) be a powerful or conclusive factor in preventing.
HR: Human Resources (the personnel department of an organization).
Development: a specified state of growth or advancement
1.1 Background of the Study
The purpose of human resource management policy is to ensure efficient and effective development of human resources management. Armstrong (2009) stresses the human resource management as the process of increasing knowledge, skills and the capacity of people in the society. Vance and Paik (2006) averred that the process of human resource management, unlock the door to modernization. Human resources are the life blood stream of an organization. Despite the application of technology in modern business management, human resources are still relevant and most adaptive resource of the organization. The strategic values of human resource management stems from the fact that apart from other resources employed in the course of production (Land, capital, technology etc) which are passive, human resources are endowed with discretionary decision making power and this have competitive advantage over other resources. The challenges of development are to improve the quality of life, which the economist argue that it is the human resources of a nation, not its physical capital or its natural resources that ultimately determine the character and pace of its economic and social development. Not gold but only men, can make a nation great and strong. According to late professor Frederick Harrison of Princeton University: - Human beings are the active agents who accumulate capital, exploit natural resource, build social, economic and political organization and carry forward national development. GeeGrad (1995) stated fundamentally that men are the key to all problems, not money. Funds are valuable only when used by trained, experienced, and devoted men and women.
The emergence of globalization is favored by the facts that our societies are now organized around knowledge production, having evolved from an industrial development mode. The management of human resource is complex and problematic because the individuals as workers hardly adapt or voluntarily embrace the objectives of the organization. As individuals, the employees have needs, aspirations, motivations, desires and interests which influences their behavior at work but unfortunately these objectives are sometime in conflict with the corporate objectives of the enterprise. In reconciling these conflicting interests Human Resources Management and planning are useful tools employed in harmonizing the needs of the employees with the goals and objectives of the organization on a continuous basis.
The nature and purpose of Human Resource Management at an organizational level differs across countries and regions and between different types of organization. The primary task of Human resource management is to ensure that the organization human resource are utilized and managed effectively. Human Resource practitioners are saddled with the responsibility of designing and implementing policies and programs that will enhance human abilities and improves the organization’s overall effectiveness. Empirical studies have shown that poor human relations at work, neglect of staff welfare programs and lack of motivation are some of the factors that cause industrial strike and declining productively in the work setting. Therefore the modern day entrepreneurs recognized the importance and the role of human resource management practitioners in developing these valuable resources.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
This research was designed to study the factors militating against human resource development. So many organization have high number of human resource recruitment related problems that affect the general functioning of the system. Burton (2003) and Kane (2001) have identified factors which are barriers that affect human resource recruitment. Some of the pertinent issues are, top management, has a low priority, and offer a short term view of what the real issues in human resource management and the profession is. Organizations now experience inefficiency in workforce planning, inability of some staff to communicate staffs, political interference in recruitment process, favoritism in appraisal and promotion, lack of seriousness in issues of discipline and lack of compliance in human resource recruitment principles are the major obstacles in effective human resource development.
1.3 Objective of the Study
The main objective of this study is to study on the factors militating against effective human resource in Nigeria, specifically the study intends to
1. Find out the benefits and importance of effective HR development in an organization
2. Investigate the challenges faced by the HR development and the factors causing them
3. Analyze if the effects of those challenges has on the performance of the Organization
4. Proffers solution to those challenges
1.4 Research Question
1. Find out the benefits and importance of effective HR development in an organization
2. Investigate the challenges faced by the HR department and the factors causing them
3. Analyze if the effects of those challenges has on the performance of the Organization
4. Proffers solution to those challenges
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study on the factors militating against effective HR development is a great concern to Nigerian economy in its entirety. The significance of this study, no doubt, would be a source of succor and relaxation to different organizations whose appraisal, promotions, inadequate recruitment, placement practices and communication barrier affects the performance of the company. Empirically, the study of this would enhance the policy formulation and implementation in the company. This study would be of immense help to policy makers and organizational administrator as it will reveal to them, the qualitative human resource recruitment practice of organizational administration. The study would unveil immeasurably, the activities of the politicians and government interference through the officers at the helm of affairs especially in recruitment of staff thereby reducing the level of corruption in the entire system. The findings and recommendations of this study would add to the existing literature of globalization in the area of human resource recruitment. Such additional literature will enrich the researcher’s knowledge with regard to exploring ways to improve the operational effectiveness and the service delivery.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This work is on the factors militating against effective HR development in Nigeria will cover the staffs and HR department Dufil food, makers of Indomie instant noodles in Ado-Odo Otta, Ogun state.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
The challenge of finance for the general research work will be a challenge during the course of study. However, it is believed that these constraints will be worked on by making the best use of the available materials and spending more than the necessary time in the research work. Therefore, it is strongly believed that despite this constraint, its effect on this research report will be minimal, thus, making the objective and significance of the study achievable.
1.8 Definition of terms
Factors: a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result.
Militating: of a fact or circumstance) be a powerful or conclusive factor in preventing.
HR: Human Resources (the personnel department of an organization).
Development: a specified state of growth or advancement
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