This project work titled A STUDY OF CHALLENGES FACING INDEPENDENT BROADCAST PROGRAMME PRODUCERS has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Mass Communication Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).

Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.

Format: MS WORD  |  Chapters: 1-5  |  Pages: 57
The best way to deal with a problem is to understand the issues involved. The topic assigned to this project is “a study of Challenge facing Independent Broadcasting programme producer (A case study of Fresh F.M. 105.9).” And then, imagine a world without electricity, no electric oven, no television set, and no stereo. Electric circuit has been more than convenience to mankind. It has recreated our environment and radically altered our life style.
          Electricity seems to have become part of that thing never of civilization that keeps some of us from reverting to our primal selves from the coffee pot to the duplicating machine, we have come to rely on electricity in virtually all faces of our day to day activities.
The establishment of broadcasting in Nigeria was the result of the determination of the British colonial authorities to link the colonies with the “mother country” Broadcasting was introduced into Nigeria in 1932 such a link was expected to serve the dual purpose of providing powerful propaganda machinery for the British and the wider world.
Independent broadcasting station is an independent radio or terrestrial television station which is independent in some way from broadcast networks. The definition of "independence" varies from country to country, reflecting governmental regulations, market environment and the broadcasting medium's development history.
In the United States and Canada, an independent station is a broadcast station which is not directly affiliated with any large network.
In Japan, an independent station is a terrestrial station which is not a member of any networks whose dominant stations are located in Tokyo; see Japanese Association of Independent Television Stations (JAITS) for more details. In addition, although The Open University of Japan is not a member of JAITS, it can also be classified as independent.    
Broadcast can be considered as a branch in the field of mass communication and it can be categorized into two segments that is: Radio and Television. No doubt radio and television are very powerful in the field of communication because of their immediacy and having more effect as information and ideas are passed to the audience.
          The introduction of broadcasting can be traced back to 1916 when David Sam of a young radio engineer working for the American Marconi company described radio as a household utility, a radio music box is arranged for several different wavelength over which music, lectures, news sports, concerts and retails could be transmitted into the home while on the other hand, Zworykin and focus worth were the inventors of television between 1923 and 1931 respectively.
          Broadcast media were defined as an area business competition rather than a public media of communication Franklin established some basic critical for broadcasting station of modern standard in the United States.    
(1) That broadcasting utilizes electromagnetic radiation that must be wireless.
(2) That broadcasting must use pictures, voices and not code
(3) Broadcasting station must be transmitting to the general public
(4) Broadcasting operations must be licensed by the government.
(5) Broadcasting stations programme must be transmitted on regular schedule.
Apart from interpersonal communication, modern broadcast media can be used to disseminate information to a large heterogeneous audience simultaneously which is faster than interpersonal form of communication.
          Broadcasting media can be used in various ways in an under developed society. They can be used to disseminate information on agricultural development, health campaign and community development.
          Radio and television stations have been established in order to bring information within the reach of a large segment of the population.
          It is observed that greater number of Nigeria broadcast media like television is meant to promote culture in the environment.
          The best way to delve into this problem is to first of all understand the issue involved. In the same way in our attempt to purpose the role of television on cultural promotion we need to break the component into manageable parts and thus deal with them. The topic assigned in this project is the impact of the television as a means of cultural promotion in our environment.
Television is not merely neural technical strumming but is snapped by and itself shaped the programme. New television technology constantly arises and influences programme. Television domination of domestic live began in 1950, films creation of stars in the first world war era, or television combination of technologies often stimulates transient vision of an utopia or dystrophies future, which is seen as being technical in nature.  

==== The End ====

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