This project work titled A CRITICAL EVALUATION OF MONETARY POLICY ON THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY has been deemed suitable for Final Year Students/Undergradutes in the Economics Department. However, if you believe that this project work will be helpful to you (irrespective of your department or discipline), then go ahead and get it (Scroll down to the end of this article for an instruction on how to get this project work).
Below is a brief overview of this Project Work.
Format: MS WORD
| Chapters: 1-5
| Pages: 69
This study aims to analyze through the econometric methodology of the effects of monetary policy in the Nigerian economy. To achieve the above objective, the growth in production was chosen as the dependent variable, while the real exchange rate, real interest rates and inflation has been chosen as the independent variable. The ordinary least square was used in the regression estimate. According to the empirical results, we realized that the whole variables are insignificant in the t-test, but in f-test, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the slope coefficient are not simultaneously zero . We realized from the test battery there is a co integration between the explanatory band dependent variables for level of stationarity are the same. The implication of the result of the policy is that if the monetary and banking policies are effectively implemented, it will be compatible with the determination of the level of output growth in the economy
This study aims to analyze through the econometric methodology of the effects of monetary policy in the Nigerian economy. To achieve the above objective, the growth in production was chosen as the dependent variable, while the real exchange rate, real interest rates and inflation has been chosen as the independent variable. The ordinary least square was used in the regression estimate. According to the empirical results, we realized that the whole variables are insignificant in the t-test, but in f-test, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the slope coefficient are not simultaneously zero . We realized from the test battery there is a co integration between the explanatory band dependent variables for level of stationarity are the same. The implication of the result of the policy is that if the monetary and banking policies are effectively implemented, it will be compatible with the determination of the level of output growth in the economy
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