Listed below are probable cut-off marks for admission into various undergraduate degree courses in the Admission into Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo state.
NOTE: There is another version of this cut-off marks at NEW: AAU Ekpoma Departmental Cut-off Marks.
Kindly look into this and gain some tips into what could be the official cut-off marks for AAU this year.
Accountinq & Bus Admin 48-50
Econs 48-50
pscholoqy 45
physioloqy 48-50
Public Admin 48-50
Socioloqy 45
Law 60
Medicine 60
Med Lab 55
Biochemistry 55
computer science 55
Political science 45
Elect & Elect 55
Mathematics 50
philosophy 45
Marketinq 45
Mass Communicatn 48-50
International relations 45
All Education Courses 40
News report by: Chuks Ikhimin, A.K.A, Princecharming