Private universities are money-making ventures - TETFund boss

Private universities are money-making ventures - TETFund boss

The executive secretary of the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), Professor Suleiman Bogoro, at a recent joint TETFund and Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) forum held in Lagos, criticized private universities in the country, who were canvassing for the inclusion of private tertiary schools among the beneficiaries of TETFund interventions.

According to Suleiman, the fund was set up to cater solely to the needs of public tertiary institutions from colleges of education, polytechnics to universities. He put the student population of all private universities in the country at only 5.4 percent, saying it was very small compared with the public universities, which he said accounted for 94.6 percent.

He further described private schools as money-making ventures, adding that their inclusion into TETFund scheme would deny the children from poor homes the opportunity to have access to quality education.

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