JAMB candidates preparing to write the 2022 supplementary exam on August 6th, 2022 now proceed to print their examination slip for free through the JAMB portal to know their exam venue and time. If you have been scheduled to rewrite the exam on August 6th, 2022 and have not received an email or print the examination slip via your JAMB profile, you can now do that now via the direct portal.
The exam slip will enable you to confirm your Exam Centre Venue, Exam Date & Exam Time Schedule. To check if your centre is among those that were cancelled, check this post: JAMB announces mop-up exam, cancels results of candidates in 10 centres
If you have already printed from your JAMB profile, you may not need to reprint unless of course, you want to re-confirm to be double sure. Please note the Printing can only be carried out using a computer system with a Printer attached to it.
How to Reprint your JAMB mop-up/supplementary Exam Slip
- Visit: https://jamb.gov.ng/mop-up
- Enter your JAMB Registration Number in the space provided
- Click on “Print Mop-Up Examination Slip” to print your slip
Ensure you print 2 copies of the of the mop-up examination Slip. You may be required to submit one at the Exam Hall. The other one, you may keep for reference purposes.
Candidates are advised to print the slips on time to know the location of their examination centres, and the time of the examination beforehand. This would also guide them in making necessary arrangements ahead of the exercise as the Board frowns at lateness to its examination, as no excuses would be entertained from any candidates especially as it is a mop-up exercise.
It should be noted that candidates who, for whatever reasons, were absent at their centres during the earlier exam are NOT eligible for the mop-up examination and so need not attempt to print as there won’t be any to print.