The 2013/2014 JAMB UTME had come and gone hence the Post-UTME. Preparations are on the way for the purchasing, registration, verifications and sitting of the Post-UTME exam in our various higher institutions of learning. JAMB UTME 2013/2014 has shown this great country that they are growing both in technology and reducing examination malpractice in the citadel of learning.
The last just concluded JAMB UTME exposed the level of education backwardness in the country. A country where average students rely on examination malpractice for their success.
It is worrisome to note the recurrent stress and frustration my fellow Nigerian students face in obtaining, filling and taking their Post-UTME exams.
OBTAINING POST-UTME FORM: Most schools with their partner banks monopolize the sale of these forms. The banks that are authorized to sell the forms either sell it in one of the branches or branches in the city thus refusing to liberalize the sale of the forms to other banks thereby attracting long queue in the said bank(s).
This in order words is frustrating to the entire prospective students.
FILLING THE FORM: I have been in the field of online registration for years. It is unacceptable in the way some institutions make the filling of forms cumbersome. However, I recommend UNN and some other schools in the way the processing of their forms are organized.
POST-UTME: In the examination hall, some students are made to regret ever taking JAMB UTME which brought them to the Post-UTME. The dismal abysmal attitude of the organizers and the poor arrangement of the exams left one to wonder whether truly this is an exam.
All these highlighted problems can be easily solved by a proficient, capable and none greedy management. On the obtaining of form, the world is becoming a global village, thus Nigeria should not be left behind. The use of IPIN, ATM, E-transact, Internet Banking, etcetera should be mainly used in purchasing these forms (I recommend some schools that have started using this medium). The use of E-Banking will automatically reduce the long queue being witnessed in various banks across the country.
Filling of form should be made less cumbersome since most of the vital information of the student had been captured when registering form JAMB UTME.
Webmasters should design a user friendly website for the student to access.
The students should be provided with a conducive environment for their exams. The number of students that applied for the Post-UTME should not be a constraint to the availability of necessary materials for exam. Accurate data should be collected and provision made before hand. Where problems tend to occur during and after the exam should be identified and possible solution provided for.
Fellow Nigerian students, the world is moving. We must move. Every student (mainly secondary and higher institution learning) should be computer literate. He or she should have bank account with ATM enabled-(am not concerned about the amount in the account). But you need it. Don’t allow anybody to tell you what does not exist because you are ignorant.
Conclusively, Post-UTME is a step forward not backward. Government should map out modus-operandi that will guide the various institutions in organizing their Post-UTMEs and scrutinize the exercise for accountability. Students have every right for qualitative education.
God Bless Accountancy Department.
God Bless Federal Polytechnic Nekede.
God Bless Imo State.
God Bless Nigeria.
Barr. Nzomuche Collins Nkemjika (SAP CUM SANS)