The result for the 2014/2015 post-UTME screening exercise of Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic has been released.
All you need to check your score is your Jamb Registration No and your Post UTME registration confirmation order. (That's the PIN in the bank print out you used to register for your Post UTME).
To check your result simply click here
Cut off Mark
The schools general cuttoff mark is 16 that is 40% Scoring this or above is no guarantee for admission as admission cuttoff is dependent on the department.
Other Points To Note On Admission
Post UTME score plays an important role in securing admission into the school but's not all to it.
Catchment area factors in as well
Notwithstanding your score, your choice of institution in your Jamb is a major factor in securing admission. e.g somebody who choose the school as first choice institution instead of a university as many do, will get admitted into first batch weather or not they meet the cuttoff mark, so somebody with 13 that's 32.5% can get admitted in first batch while the other person who scored 20 that's 50% may not be admitted in second batch.
The competition in your department determines your chance of admission, departmental cuttoff is determined by the total number of scores of candidates who took the post utme for the department divided by the total number of candidates. It's just your simple calculation of average. Because of this, candidates with lower score in other departments can get admitted before you.
You can always pick supplementary form to other departments with lower competition, each department starts selling their supplementary form after calculating their average. You can check in your department of interest's general office to know when it's on sale.
There are some departments that needs more candidates every year, and picking their supplementary form is "sure" admission, they even paste notice in school for more students, Maths and Stats is known for that and more.
You can be denied admission due to your subject combination. If your subject combination in either jamb or o'level is not suitable for a department, they can deny you admission, so if you see someone with the same score offered admission into your department of choice and you are not, your subject combination might be the cause.
See if you can get a change of course to another department that will accept your subject combination as soon as possible.
Fake admission is very possible, beware of who you lobby for admission. You might spend two years in vain.
This is Polyunwana, do not attempt to cheat your way through by falsifying results, there is a thorough screening of credentials before your graduate, you will surely be identified before graduation.
If you are not ready to study, there is no need seeking admission here. You will be going home in shame within the next 12 months.