The Police Service Commission says shortlisted applicants for recruitment into the Nigeria Police Force will undergo aptitude tests to be conducted by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).
Candidates successfully shortlisted for the Nigeria Police Recruitment screening can now go ahead and check their exam date and centre on JAMB’s website.
The Nigeria Police recruitment examination will be conducted by JAMB on 25th May, 2018.
All applicants are advised to study Maths, English and General Paper and immediately after the exam, there will be Medical Test.
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Check your name on http://www.policerecruitment.ng/ExamSchedule before you proceed to print your exam slip on JAMB Portal.
How to Print Nigeria Police Recruitment Exam Slip on JAMB Website

- Visit JAMB website at https://portal.jamb.gov.ng/efacility/printpscexaminationslip.
- Supply your your email, phone number or the code generated for you by JAMB in the required column.
- Finally, click on ‘Print Examination Slip’ button to access your exam date and centre.
Note: You must print the slip and bring it to the examination venue.