This is to remind members of the College Community and public that the Matriculation Ceremony for ND I and HND I students will hold on Wednesday, 18th August, 2021 at the 800 Seater Lecture Theatre by 10.00 am.
The matriculating students are required to pay the sum of one thousand five hundred naira only (N1,500) for Matriculation Gown. It is to be noted that students who have paid tuition fee and generated Matriculation Numbers online will pay for their gowns on the Student Portal, the evidence of which will be used for collection of matriculation gowns from the respective faculty officers a day prior to the ceremony.
Students who have paid acceptance fee but yet to pay tuition fee are required to pay through the subdomain graduations.oyscatech.edu.ng using JAMB Registration Number.
Meanwhile, the DPPPS students are also required to pay for gown through the same subdomain graduations.oyscatech.edu.ng using the Form Number
After the matriculation ceremony, freshers (NDI and HNDI students) are required to return the gowns to the faculty office not later than Thursday, 19th August, 2021, failure to do so will attract penalty.
All the NDI and HNDI students are mandatorily required to be seated in the 800-Seater Lecture Theatre by 9:00 a.m.
While coming for the ceremony, students, staff and guests are required to observe COVID-19 protocols by putting on nose masks and maintain social distancing.
Above is for information and strict compliance by all NDI and HNDI students.