OYSCATECH notice on commencement of 1st semester exam by ND II students

OYSCATECH notice on commencement of 1st semester exam by ND II students

This is to inform all ND II students that the 2022/2023 first semester examination earlier scheduled to commence on Monday, 9th October, 2023, has been shifted by two weeks to now commence on Monday, 23rd October, 2023.

The two weeks extension is to make up for the two weeks used for the 1st semester examination by ND I, HND I and HND II students. In view of the above, ND II students are therefore enjoined to avail the opportunity of the two weeks extension to pay all outstanding fees, levies and charges, complete the course registration forms and get prepared for the examination commencing on Monday, 23rd October, 2023.

Above information should be given adequate publicity by all students.

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