OYSCATECH notice on commencement of 1st semester exam, 2022/2023

OYSCATECH notice on commencement of 1st semester exam, 2022/2023

This is to inform all staff and students that the examination will commence on Monday, 4th September, 2023 except the ND 11 students that have just returned from SIWES.

Only students who have paid the tuition fees, paid other prescribed levies for the session and do proper course registration will be entitled to collect examination clearance. Whoever has not paid the tuition fees and other prescribed levies are advised to pay and do course registration not later than close of work on Thursday, 31st August, 2023. Late registration penalty commences on Friday, 1st September, 2023.

For the avoidance of doubts, students who have not paid their tuition fees, do proper course registration and obtained examination clearance will not be allowed into the examination venues.

This important information should be given adequate publicity by all staff and students.

Thank you.

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