Applying for scholarships isn’t brain surgery, but that doesn’t mean a good checklist can’t come in handy or help you avoid some simple mistakes and mishaps.
I should tell you one common and easily avoidable error? Missing the deadline! That’s why step two recommends that you organize scholarships by due date.
Although it may be tempting to work on the easiest application first, you’ll be kicking yourself later if you miss out on a chance at thousands of dollars because you procrastinated!
Below is my Scholarship Application Checklist
1. Research applicable scholarships
2. Organize scholarships by deadline
3. Review the requirements for ALL scholarships
4. Set up for the examination (if required)
5. Prepare your portfolio/results (if required)
6. Request or print any special application forms
7. Get study materials (like past questions, if any)
8. Research and write essay (if applicable)
9. Review and edit all pieces of application
10. Make at least one copy of your entire application
11. Submit application as requested on the application (website, email, etc)
12. Check with sponsor to verify that they received your complete application
13. Repeat steps 8-13 for the next chronological application
I think with these, you are just too good to go! Thank me below if these tips are helpful, and apply for OERL study in India Scholarships 2013, you might just be so lucky!
Written by: Wilfred Okwudili, ccfr. Current MTN Foundation Scholarship Award holder, and first students consultant, Nigeria.