Ondo State University of Science and Technology, OSUSTECH internal and external advertisement for teching and non-teaching staff job vacancies.

Applications are invited from suitably qualifed and interested candidates to fill the vacant teaching and non-teaching staf positions in the University as follows:
i. Reader – Biomolecules, Nutritional and Clinical Biochemistry, Enzymology, Molecular Biology, Hormones,
Biomembranes and any other areas of Biochemistry.
Similar Posts:
ii. Senior Lecturer. – Ditto
iii. Lecturer I & II – Ditto
Industrial Chemistry
i. Lecturer I & II – Organic, Inorganic or Physical
Geophysics and Physics
i. Reader – Electronic, Condensed Matter Physics, Geophysics, any area of Geology and Meteorology
ii. Senior Lecturer – Ditto
iii. Lecturer I & II – Ditto
Computer Science and Mathematics
i. Lecturer I & II – Any area of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science.
i. Reader –
i. Professor(Entomology)
Fisheries and Aquacultures
i. Lecturer I & II
i. Reader
(i) Professor: Salary CONUASS 07
Candidates must possess:
(a) A minimum of Ph.D in the relevant fields
(b) Must have at least 15years of teaching and research experience in the University System.
(c) Must show academic leadership through postgraduate supervision and be able to attract research grants from both local and international funding agencies.
(d) Must show academic excellence through publications in recognized local and international journals.
(e) Must have at least twenty two (22) recognized publications with at least six (6) in reputable foreign journals.
(f) Must be ready to lead various research groups within the department and the university as a whole.
(g) Must have a considerable length of administrative experience.
(h) Must have spent three (3) years as a Reader.
(ii) Reader: Salary CONUASS 06
Candidates must possess:
(a) A minimum of Ph.D in the relevant area of specialization.
(b) Must have at least 12 years of teaching and research experience in the University System.
(c) Must show academic leadership through postgraduate supervision and be able to attract research grants from both local and international funding agencies.
(d) Must show academic excellence through publications in recognized local and international journals.
(e) At least eighteen (18) recognized publications with at least fve (5) in reputable foreign journals.
(f) Must be ready to lead various research groups within the department and the university as a whole.
(g) Must have spent three (3) years as Senior Lecturer.
( iii) Senior Lecturer: Salary CONUASS 05
Academic qualifcations required:
Candidates must possess:
(a) A minimum of Ph.D in the relevant felds
(b) Must have at least 9 years of teaching and research experience in the University System.
(c)Must show academic leadership through postgraduate supervision and be able to attract research grants from both local and international funding agencies.
(d)Must show academic excellence through publications in recognized local and international journals.
(e) At least twelve (12) recognized publications, with at least one (1) in a reputable foreign journals.
(f) Must be ready to lead various research groups within the department and the university as a whole.
(g) Must have spent three (3) years as Lecturer I.
(iv) Lecturer I: Salary CONUASS 04
Academic qualifcations required:
Candidates must possess:
(a) A minimum of Ph.D in the relevant felds.
(b) Must have at least 6 years of teaching and research experience in the University System.
(c) At least (5) recognized publications
(d) Must have spent three (3) years as Lecturer II.
(v) Lecturer II: Salary CONUASS 03
Academic qualifcations required:
Candidate must possess Ph.D degree in relevant feld.
i. Bursar (CONTISS 15)
The Bursar is the Chief Financial Ofcer of the University and is directly responsible to the Vice Chancellor for the management of the University finances.
Applications are invited from suitably qualifed candidates for the position of Bursar.
Candidates should possess B.Sc/HND in Accountancy from a recognized Institution with a minimum of second class lower division/upper credit respectively plus NYSC Discharge Certifcate or Evidence of Exemption. In addition, candidates should possess professionally recognized Accountancy qualifcations- ACMA, ACA, ACCA, ICAN, CPA, ANAN plus 15 years cognitive experience in an institution of higher learning.
Higher qualifcation will be an added advantage.
ii. Deputy Bursar (CONTISS 14)
Candidates should possess B.Sc/HND in Accountancy from a recognized
Institution with a minimum of second class lower division/upper credit respectively plus NYSC Discharge Certifcate or Evidence of Exemption. In addition candidates should possess professionally recognized Accountancy qualifcations- ACMA, ACA, ACCA, ICAN, CPA, ANAN plus 12 years cognitive experience. Higher qualifcation will be an added advantage.
Deputy Registrar (CONTISS 14)
(a) Candidates for the Post of Deputy Registrar (CONTISS 14) must possess a good honours degree (minimum of second class lower division in Arts, Social/Management Sciences or Humanities) from a recognized University plus NYSC Discharge Certifcate or Evidence of Exemption. Higher qualifcation will be an added advantage. In addition, candidate must be a duly registered member of NIM(Chartered), CIPM or other equivalent professional bodies.
(b) Candidates must have at least 12 years relevant post NYSC working experience, a considerable part of which must be in University or compatible Institution of Higher Learning Administration; and
(c)Candidates must not be below the level of Principal Assistant Registrar in a University.
(d) Candidates must be Computer literate and must
demonstrate profciency in the deployment of Information Technology in Database Management, e-Registration,e-Administration and General Management. Higher qualifcation will be an added advantage. In addition,he/she must be a duly registered member of NIM(Chartered), CIPM or other equivalent professional bodies.
Candidates are requested to:
- Apply on-line through the University website: osustech.edu.ng
- Forward the typed and duly signed application with 20 copies of curriculum vitae to the University.
The on-line application, when completed and submitted, would assign a unique identifcation number to the applicant. This number should be
written on the hard copy application to be forwarded to the University.
i. All Candidates must possess NYSC discharge Certifcate or Exemption letter
ii. Computer literacy is required for all advertised positions.
Hard copy applications should contain, among others the following:
(i) Full Names
(ii) Title
(iii) Sex
(iv) Date of Birth
(v) Place of Birth
(vi) State and Local Government of Origin
(vii) Nationality
(viii) Permanent Home Address
(ix) Current Postal/Contact Address
(x) E – Mail Address & GSM
(xi) Marital Status
(xii) Number of Children (with names and ages)
(xiii) Institution(s) Attended (with dates)
(xiv) Academic Qualifcations (with dates)
(xv) Professional Qualifcations (with dates)
(xvi) Honours, Distinctions and Membership of Professional Bodies
(xvii) Working Experience
(xviii) Present Employment: Status, Salary and Employer
(xix) Service to the Community (with status and date)
(xx) Extra Curricular Activities
(xxi) Major Conferences and Workshops attended with papers read
(xxii) List of Publications as appropriate and any other relevant information
(xxiii) Names and Addresses of three (3) Referees. (xxiv) Signature and Date
All applications should reach the Registrar not later than three (3) weeks from the date of this publication and be addressed to:
The Registrar
Ondo State University of Science and Technology
(OSUSTECH), Okitipupa
Klm 6, Okitipupa-Igbokoda Road,
P.M.B 353, Okitipupa
Ondo State
Woleola J. Ekundayo
Registrar/Secretary to Council
SchoolGist Team.