The Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, OSUN POLY Higher National Diploma (HND) Admission form for the 2023/2024 academic session is on sale. Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the under listed Higher National Diploma Programmes which would be available in the Institution in 2023/2024 Academic Session.
- Science Laboratory Technology
- Chemistry (Option)
(b) Microbiology (Option)
(c) Biochemistry (Option)
(d) Environmental Biology (Option)
(ii) Food Technology
(iii) Statistics
- Mass Communication
- Office Technology and Management
- Computer Science
- Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technology
(a) Power and Machine option and
(b) Electronics and Telecommunication option
- Computer Engineering Technology
- Civil Engineering Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Welding & Fabrication
- Accountancy
- Banking and Finance
- Business Administration and Management.
- Marketing
- Procurement and Supply Chain Management
- Architectural Technology
- Building Technology
- Estate Management
- Quantity Survey
- Urban and Regional Planning
- Art & Design
- Graphic Design Option
- Textile Design Option
National Diploma (ND) in the same discipline with a minimum of a Lower Credit obtained from an NBTE Accredited Programmes Institutions plus a minimum of ONE Year Post National Diploma Industrial Attachment/Work Experience in the field of specialization. However, in exceptional cases, candidates with ordinary Pass Grade in the National Diploma with minimum of TWO Years Post National Diploma Industrial Attachment/Work Experience may be considered.
SPECIAL INFORMATION: There will be a qualifying examination and interview for all Applicants.
(i) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Science Laboratory Technology
Chemistry option.
(ii) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Science Laboratory Technology
Biochemistry option.
(iii) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Science Laboratory Technology
Microbiology option.
(iv)Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Science Laboratory Technology
Environmental Biology option
(v) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Food Technology..
(vi) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Statistics.
Entry Requirements for Science Laboratory Technology (Chemistry Option)
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings .Credits in English Language, Mathematics and Chemistry are compulsory plus any other two from the following: Physics, Biology/Agricultural Science, Geography, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Economics/ Commerce and Further Mathematics.
Entry Requirements for Science Laboratory Technology (Micro-biology Option)
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics and Biology are compulsory, plus any other two from the following Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Economics/ Commerce, Further Mathematics and ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies.
Entry Requirements for Science Laboratory Technology (Biochemistry Option)
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry are compulsory, plus any other one from the following: Physics, Food and Nutrition ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies and Further Mathematics.
Entry Requirements for Science Laboratory Technology (Environmental Biology Option)
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics and Biology are compulsory, plus any other two from the following: Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Economics/Commerce, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies and Further Mathematics
Entry Requirements for Food Technology
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE,SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings in English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science and any one from the following: Physics , Economics/Commerce, Statistics, Food and Nutrition, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Geography, and Technical Drawing
Entry Requirements for Statistics
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics and one of the Basic Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics) plus any other two from: Further Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Commerce, Geography, Biology/Agricultural Science ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Government/History/Civic Education, Statistics, Typewriting and Food and Nutrition.
(i) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Mass Communication.
(ii) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Office Technology and Management (formerly Secretarial Studies) .
(iii) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Computer Science.
Entry Requirements for Mass Communication
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ Level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NEb CO and NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, Literature in English and any other two from Economics, Commerce, Government/Civic Education , Geography, History, Principles of Account/Financial Accounting/Book-Keeping,
Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Agricultural Science, CRS/IRS, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies and any Nigerian Language.
Entry Requirements for Office Technology and Management
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ Level GCE, SSCE of WAEC,SSCE of NECO,NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings .Credits in English Language, Mathematics and any other three subjects from Business Methods, Typewriting, Shorthand, Literature in English, Government/Civic Education, Principles of Account/ Financial Accounting/ Book-Keeping, Office Practice, History, CRS/IRS, Commerce, Economics, Geography, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Agricultural Science and Yoruba or any other Nigerian Language.
Entry Requirements for Computer Science
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in Mathematics, English Language, Physics and any other two from the following: Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Statistics, ICT/Data processing/Computer Studies, Economics/Commerce and Geography.
(i) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Electrical/Electronics Engineering
(a) Power and Machine (Option)
(b) Electronics and Telecommunication (Option)
(ii) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Computer Engineering Technology.
(iii) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Civil Engineering Technology.
(iv) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Mechanical Engineering.
(v) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Welding and Fabrication.
Entry Requirements for Electrical/Electronics Technology and Computer Engineering Technology
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are compulsory plus any other one from the following: Biology/Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Geography, Technical Drawing/Engineering Drawing, Wood/Metal Work, Economics/Commerce, Basic Electronics, Basic Electricity and other trade related subjects such as Electrical Installation and Maintenance.
Entry Requirements for Civil Engineering
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are compulsory plus any other one from the following: Biology/Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Geography, Building/Technical Drawing, Economics/Commerce, Wood/Metal Work and other trade related subjects such as Introduction to Building Construction, Block/Bricks laying, g, Carpentry and Joinery, Concreting and Machine Wood work.
Entry Requirements for Mechanical Engineering
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are compulsory plus any other one from the following: Biology/Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Geography, Technical Drawing, Welding and Fabrication, Metal Work, Wood work and Economics/Commerce,
Entry Requirements for Welding Fabrication
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry are compulsory plus any other one from the following: Biology/Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Geography, Technical Drawing, Welding and Fabrication, Metal Work, Wood work and Economics/Commerce,
(i) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Accountancy.
(ii) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Banking and Finance.
Entry Requirements for Accountancy and Banking Finance
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ Level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO, NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, and any other three from, Financial Accounting/ Principles of Accounting/Book keeping, Economics, Commerce/Marketing, Business Method, Geography, Government/Civic Education/ History/Literature in English, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Statistics and Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Agricultural Science.
(i) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Business Administration and Management.
(ii) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Marketing,
(iii)Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Entry Requirements for Business Administration and Management
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ Level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO, NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics and Economics and any other two from Government/Civic Education/History, Literature in English, Commerce/Marketing, Geography, Business Methods, Principles of Account/Financial Accounting /Book-Keeping, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Office Practice, Statistics and Chemistry/Physics/Biology/Agricultural Science.
Entry Requirements for Marketing and Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ Level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO, NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, and any other three from Economics, Government, History, Literature in English, Commerce/Marketing Geography, Business Methods, Principles of Account/Financial Accounting/Book-Keeping, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Office Practice, Statistics and Chemistry/Physics/ Biology/Agricultural science.
(i) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Building and Technology
(ii) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Quantity Surveying
(iii)Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Architectural Technology
(iv) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme Estate Management
(v) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme Urban and Regional Planning
Entry Requirements for Building Technology
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics/Chemistry are compulsory plus any other two from the following: Biology/Agricultural Science, Animal Husbandries/Fisheries, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Geography, Technical Drawing/Fine Art/Visual Art, Marketing, General Metal Work, Economics/Commerce, Government/Civic Education, Building Construction, Bricks laying, Plumbing, Painting and Decoration, Carpentry, Machinery and Furniture Craft, Wood work.
Entry Requirements for Quantity Surveying
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics/ Chemistry are compulsory plus any other two from the following: Biology/Agricultural Science, Animal Husbandries/Fisheries, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Geography, Technical Drawing/Fine Art/Visual Art, Marketing, General Metal Work, Economics/Commerce, Government/Civic Education, Building Construction, Bricks laying, Plumbing, Painting and Decoration, Carpentry, Machinery and Furniture Craft, Wood work.
Entry Requirements for Architectural Technology
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings. Credits in English Language, Mathematics, and Physic are compulsory plus any other two from the following: Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science, Drawing/Graphics Design, Painting and Decoration/Fine Art, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Geography, Further Mathematics, History, Technical Drawing, Economics/Commerce, Government/Civic Education, Building Construction, Bricks/Block laying, and Wood work.
Entry Requirements for Estate Management
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’Le vel GCE, SSCE of WAEC ,SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings from Mathematics, English language, Economics a basic science (Physics/ Chemistry/Biology) and any other one subjects from the following: Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Agricultural Science, Geography, Economics/Commerce, Technical Drawing, Fine Arts, Woodwork, Literature in English, Metal Work, Government/Civic Education and Principles of Account/Book Keeping.
Entry Requirements for Urban and Regional Planning
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’Level GCE, SSCE of WAEC, SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings from Mathematics, English Language, Geography/Economics, and any other two subjects from the following: Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Agricultural Science/ Animal Husbandry, Further Mathematics, Commerce/Marketing, Statistics, Fine Arts, Technical Drawing, Woodwork, ICT/Data Processing/Computer Studies, Introduction to Building Construction, Bricklaying/Block laying/Concrete, Economics, Geography, Government/Civic Education/History, Book Keeping/Financial Accounting, Business Method and Any Nigerian Language.
( i) Two-Year Higher National Diploma Programme in Art and Design
Entry Requirements for Art and Design (Graphic Design Option and Textile Design Option)
Minimum of 5 Credits in O’ Level GCE, SSCE of WAEC,SSCE of NECO or NTC of NABTEB obtained at not more than two sittings from English Language, Mathematic and any other three subjects from Chemistry, Physics, Biology/Agricultural Science/ Animal Husbandry/Fisheries, Fine Arts/Visual Art/Technical Drawing, Geography, Literature in English, Economics/Commerce/Marketing, Civic Education/ History/Government, Clothing and Textiles, Home Economics, Dyeing and Bleaching, General Metal Work, General Woodwork, Painting and Decoration, Printing Craft Practice, Data Processing/Computer Studies/ICT, Photography, Religious Knowledge and any Nigerian Language
- Candidates are advised to ensure that they personally and not by proxy fill-in appropriate information especially with regards to the arrangement of names, examination grade and year and the exact Industrial Training (IT) date.
- Only National Diploma Programmes duly accredited by the NBTE will be considered for the admission.
3 Change of course after the payment of acceptance fee is not allowed.
4 Applicants are advised to provide correct and functional E-Mail address and Telephone number while completing application form on-line.
5 Date of Qualifying Examination will be announced in due course.
6 The Institution would not be liable for any erroneous information contained in the filling of the form.
Completed Application form should be submitted online not later than 30 days from the date of this Publication. For detailed information on our existing Programmes and admission requirements, please visit our site: www.ospoly.edu.ng.
September 30th, 2023
Our help lines are 07059397105, 08106934345, 08030862530 Email:[email protected]