OSPOLY DPT 2nd semester exam begins March 1st

OSPOLY DPT 2nd semester exam begins March 1st

The Institutions Management wishes to reiterate the fact that the Second Semester 2019 2020 Daily Part-Time Programme Examinations commence unfailingly on Monday, 1st March, 2021 as earlier scheduled.

The decision to insist on the commencement date was premised on the fact that the State Government has paid Salary for the month of February, 2021; the Management of the  Institution has also paid Peculiar allowance for the month of December, 2020, while machineries are already put in motion to effect the payment of Daily Part-Time Lecturing Claims for the First Semester, 2019/2020 academic session.

In view of the above, I am directed to ask all the academic staff members to as a matter of duty and urgency, submit their questions, all the co-ordinators to co-ordinate the printing and production of questions papers, and everybody saddled with any responsibility pertaining to the examinations, to attend to it as assigned to ensure that the examinations commence on Monday, 1st March, 2021 unfailingly, as earlier scheduled. I am to add that any person(s) found wanting in the discharge of his or her duties with respect to the examinations would be heavily sanctioned.

You are hereby enjoined to treat this as a matter of duty and urgency it deserves and give it widest publicity it deserves.

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