OSPOLY announces DPT matriculation ceremony

OSPOLY announces DPT matriculation ceremony

This is to inform all HND land NDI Part-Time students that the Matriculation Ceremony for 2020/2021 Academic Session has been scheduled to hold on Wednesday, 28 July, 2021 by 10a.m. at the ETF Hall.

All concerned students should please note the following:

1. All duly registered Part-Time students as at Tuesday, 27th July, 2021 must take part in the Matriculation Ceremony.

2.  Any student who fails to register and consequently does not matriculate forfeits his/her admission and studentship.

3. Academic Gowns will be available for collection from the Faculty Officers as from Monday, 26 July 2021

4. All academic Gowns collected for the ceremony should be returned unfailingly to the Faculty Officer before close of work on Thursday, 29th July, 2021.

Failure to return the Gown by any student shall attract a fine of N200.00 per day of default; this is als subject to upward review and further sanctions,

I wish you a pleasant ceremony

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