This is to inform 2015 UTME Candidates that their JAMB Original Result Slip is now available.
The Original Result Slip is an official document that has your passport embedded on it to verify your result, and is usually required during Post-UTME screening of your respective schools.
Those who have confirmed their UTME scores, can proceed to place order for their JAMB Original Result Slip now by clicking here
N.B If your UTME score is less than 150, you need not apply for this.
Also those who have exceeded the 5-time limit placed on online checking of results can also apply for their JAMB Original Result Slip to see their results and acquire it once and for all by clicking here.
However, all those whose results have not been released yet, need not apply for now. Results in this category will be released with time and majority will be out by the time JAMB concludes the exams on 23rd March. When you now have a result or response, you can then apply for your Original JAMB result slip.
Please note that this is usually the official JAMB Result slip that schools require during post-UTME screening. It will also be required when you are going for Admission Screening so it's better to acquire it once and for all.
To order your original JAMB result slip and have it sent to your email, please click here and follow all procedures.