Dear sir,
It is in regards to the current state of education in lagos that we deem it necessary to write to you on this pressing issue. Sir in as much as we Lagosian appreciate your good work in Lagos especially in the areas of infrastructural development we also feel that there is still much more to be done in the education sector which appears to be under neglect.
Sir we are writing to you precisely on the exorbitant tuition fees currently experienced in LASU where an average student pays about quater a million per session and these leaves us asking question on why it should be so.
Over 80percent of our indigenes cannot afford to further their education because of high tuition in lasu when other states are subsidizing the cost of education or is tertiary education now meant for the rich alone of course, NO. and if that becomes the case then you should bear it in mind that PDP will provide alternative come 2015.
Please we use this medium to plead on behalf of the masses that you should come to our rescue and cut down the tuition fee of LASU the reach of an average Nigerian especially now that the federal govt is on the brink of reaching agreement with ASUU. We sincerely hope that you would move into action immediately to save the future of Lagos today.
Mr.Adebayo kunle,