Now with the issue of checking results totally resolved, candidates' results are now coming in and you can easily check yours by clicking here. If you are using a mobile device, you can check yours by clicking here
So now that you have your result, the next step is to determine the Cut-off for your school of choice. Knowing the cut-off mark for your school is important as it enables you make the critical decision of going ahead with the course/institution or applying for change of course or/and institution. If you want to change your course/institution for any reason, click here to read more.
The cut-off marks vary depending on the institution and course you are applying for. Below is a list of Cut-off marks that will enable you sit for the post-utme examination in various institutions across the country.
Please note that the list below is subject to change by the school once they release their Post UTME procedures. Our Past Questions and SMS alert Subscribers will be informed promptly on their mobile if this occurs. If you will like to get yours, click here to subscribe.
List of Schools and their UTME Cut-off Marks
Federal University of Technology, Minna (FUTMinna) - 190
Kwara State Polytechnic, - 180
University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT) - 180 or 200 depending on course
Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO) - 180 UTME
Kaduna State University (KASU) - 180 UTME (first choice only)
Lagos State Polytechnic (LASPOTECH) - 180
University of Ibadan (UI) - 200 (First choice only)
Lagos State University (LASU) - 200
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU) - 180
Imo State University IMSU,/ Evan Enwerem University (EEU) - 180
University of Benin (UNIBEN) - 200
Anambra State University (ANSU) - No official figure probably 180
Nnamdi Azikiwe University (NAU/UNIZIK) - 180 Education courses while others are 200
Enugu State University of Science & Technology - 180
Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) - 200
Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) - 200
Adekunle Ajasin University - 200
Tai Solarin University of Education (TASUED) - 180 (first choice only)
University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) - 200 (minimum UTME cut-off)
Rivers State University ofScience and Technology (RSUST) - 180 (1st choice only)
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (UNAAB) - 180 (minimum UTME cut-off)
Delta State University, Abraka (DELSU) - 180 (minimum UTME cut-off)
Abia State University, Uturu (ABSUU) - 180
University of Ilorin, UNILORIN - 200 (240 for Medicine)
University of Lagos (UNILAG) - 200
Federal University ofTechnology FUT,Minna - 190
Kwara Poly -180
University of Port Harcourt, UNIPORT-200/180 depending on course
Federal University of Technology Owerri, FUTO - 180 UTME cutoff.
Kaduna State University, KASU- 180 UTME cutoff (first choice only)
Lagos State Polytechnic, LASPOTECH - 180
University of Ibadan, UI - 200 (First choice only)
Lagos State University, LASU - 200
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, MOUAU - 180
Imo State University IMSU,now Evan Enwerem University EEU - 180
University of Benin, UNIBEN - 200
Anambra State University,ANSU - No official figure probably 180
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, NAU/UNIZIK - 180 firstchoice only (no official link).
Enugu State University of Science & Tech -180
Federal University of Technology,Akure, FUTA -200
Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU -200
Adekunle Ajasin University- 200(minimum UTME score)
Tai Solarin University ofEducation,TASUED - 180 (first choice only)
University of Nigeria, Nsukka,UNN - 200 (minimum UTME cut-off)
Rivers State University of Science and Technology, RSUST - 180 (1st choice only)
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta UNAAB- 180 (minimumUTME cut-off)
Delta State University,Abraka, DELSU -180 (minimum UTME cut-off)
Abia State University, Uturu,ABSUU - 180
University of Ilorin, Unilorin -200 (240 for medicine)
University of Lagos -200(minimum post UTME cut off)
Niger Delta University - 180 Cutoff mark will vary depending on your chosen course.
Nnamdi Azikiwe University, NAU/ UNIZIK - 180 first choice only (no official link)
Enugu State University of Science & Tech -180
Federal University of Technology,Akure, FUTA -200
Obafemi AwolowoUniversity, OAU -200
Adekunle Ajasin University- 200(minimum UTME score)
Tai Solarin University of Education,TASUED - 180 (first choice only)
University of Nigeria, Nsukka,UNN - 200(minimum UTME cut-off)
Rivers State University of Science and Technology, RSUST - 180 (1st choice only)
University of Agriculture,Abeokuta UNAAB - 180 (minimum UTME cut-off)
Delta State University,Abraka, DELSU -180 (minimum UTME cut-off)
Abia State University, Uturu, ABSUU - 180
University of Ilorin, Unilorin -200 (240 for medicine)
University of Lagos -200(minimum post UTME cut off)
Niger Delta University - 180 Cutoff mark will vary depending on your chosen course
Osun State University (Uniosun) - 200 (180 - Agriculture, Education and Arts i.e Humanities and Culture Faculty)
University of Abuja (Uniabuja) - 180
Univeristy of Calabar - Med/Surg and law is 200, while others 180
Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) - 180 for Science based courses and 190 and above in UTME for Arts, Social Science, Law and Administration
Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University (IBBU) - 180 accepts 1st and/or 2nd choice
Ambrose Alli University (AAU) - 180 and above
Auchi Polytechnic (Auchipoly) - 160 Minimum Jamb Score (2011)