The management and university authority has released the official list of postgraduate courses offered at BUK (Bayero University Kano).
Please note that to study any of the postgraduate courses offered in BUK, either in PGD, Masters or Ph.D level, certain requirements must be met to be eligible for admission. These are the major requirements for admission into BUK Postgraduate school
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Therefore all candidates who put BUK postgraduate school as their preferred choice of higher institution are advised to go through the list for confirmation of their preferred choice of postgraduate programme.
To be eligible for admission into Bayero University Kano, BUK postgraduate school to study any of the programmes underlisted, candidates must first meet all its requirements for admission, you can read up BUK postgraduate admission requirements for all courses.
The postgraduate programmes offered in BUK shall be for a minimum of two (2) and maximum of four (6) academic semesters depending on the programme.
Bayero University General Regulations Governing Postgraduate Studies states that an applicant seeking for admission into postgraduate degree programme must hold:
- a minimum of second class lower degree from Bayero University, Kano or any other recognized university;
- a Postgraduate Diploma or certificate in addition to a first-degree certificate from Bayero University, Kano or any other recognized university with a minimum of third class (minimum CGPA of 2.00 on the scale of 0.00-5.00);
- a Postgraduate Diploma not below classification of merit from Bayero University, Kano or any other recognized university provided that the conditions prescribed for admission into Postgraduate Diploma Program at Bayero University Kano are satisfied, namely: Must have obtained a Bachelor of Law (LL.B) degree with at least a third class honors degree, (minimum CGPA of 2.00 on the scale of 0.00-5.00), or in the fields of Arts, Engineering, Sciences and Humanities from Bayero University, Kano or any other recognized university with at least a second class honors degree (minimum CGPA of 2.75 on the scale of 0.00-5.00);
- a Masters or Ph.D Degree from Bayero University, Kano or any other recognized university; or
- any other relevant qualification acceptable by Bayero University Postgraduate School in accordance with the Bayero University, Kano Postgraduate Regulations and Guidelines.
As seen below, we listed the official Bayero University Kano, (BUK) postgraduate available programmes we have listed them according to the faculty they fall under.
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Bayero University Kano (BUK) Postgraduate Programmes/Courses
Department of Islamic Studies
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Islamic Studies
ii. M.A Islamic Studies
Department of Arabic
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Arabic (Language)
ii. Ph.D/M.Phil Arabic (Literature)
iii. M.A Arabic (Language)
iv. M.A Arabic (Literature)
v. Postgraduate Diploma in Arabic (PGDA)
Department of English and Literary Studies
i. Ph.D/M.Phil English (Language)
ii. Ph.D/M.Phil English (Literature)
iii. M.A English (Language)
iv. M.A English (Literature)
Department of History
i. Ph.D/M.Phil History
ii. M.A History
iii. Masters in Development Studies (MDS)
iv. Postgraduate Diploma in Development Studies (PGDDS).
Department of Education
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Education with specialization in;
a. Educational Administration and Planning
b. Curriculum Studies
c. Guidance and Counselling
d. Educational Psychology
e. Tests and Measurement
ii. M.Ed Education with specialization in;
a. Educational Administration and Planning
b. Curriculum Studies
c. Guidance and Counselling
d. Educational Psychology
e. Tests and Measurement
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE)
iv. Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance and Counselling (PGDGC)
Department of Adult Education & Community Services
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Adult Education with specialization in;
a. Gerontology
b. Social Welfare Education
c. Extension Education
d. Community Development
e. Adult and Non-Formal Education
ii. M.Ed Adult Education with specialization in;
a. Gerontology
b. Social Welfare Education
c. Extension Education
d. Community Development
e. Adult and Non-Formal Education
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Community Development & Extension
Education (PGDCDEE)
Department of Library and Information Sciences
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Library and Information Science
ii. Masters in Library and Information Science
iii. Masters in Information Management (MIM)
iv. Masters in Records Management (MRM)
v. Postgraduate Diploma in Information Management (PGDIM)
vi. Postgraduate Diploma in Records Management (PGDRM)
Department of Physical and Health Education
i. Ph.D/M.Phil in Physical and Health Education with specialization in any of
the following Areas:
a. Exercise and Sports Science
b. Sports Management
c. Adapted Physical Education
ii. M.Sc (Ed) Physical and Health Education with specialization in any of the following Areas:
a. Health Education
b. Exercise and Sports Science
c. Sport Management
d. Adapted Physical Education
iii M.Sc (Recreation and Sports Tourism Management)
iv. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Education (PGDHE)
v. Postgraduate Diploma in Recreation and Tourism Management (PGDRTM)
Department of Special Education
i. Ph.D/M.Phil in Special Education with area of specialization as follows::
a. Learning Disabilities
b. Gifted and Talented
c. Visual Impairment
d. Hearing Impairment
e. Behavior Disorders
f. Intellectual Disorders
g. Physical and Health Impairment
ii. M.(Ed) in Special Education with areas of specialization as follows:
a. Learning Disabilities
b. Gifted and Talented
c. Visual Impairment
d. Hearing Impairment
e. Behaviour Disorders
f. Intellectual Disorders
g. Physical and Health Impairment
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Special Education and Rehabilitation (PGDSER)
Department of Science and Technology Education
i. M.Sc (Ed) Biology
ii. M.Sc (Ed) Chemistry
iii. M.Sc (Ed) Geography
iv. M.Sc (Ed) Physics
v. M.Sc (Ed) Mathematics
vi. Postgraduate Diploma in Science and Technology Education (PGDSTE)
Department of Mathematical Sciences
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Mathematics
ii. M.Sc Mathematics
iii. M.Sc Computational Mathematics
iv. M.Sc Applied Mathematics
v. Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics (PGDMaths)
Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Chemistry with specialization in: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Colour Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry
ii. M.Sc Chemistry with specialization in: Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Colour Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry.
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Chemistry (PGDC)
Department of Biological Sciences
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Zoology with specialization in: Fisheries and Aquaculture; Parasitology; Entomology
ii. M.Sc Zoology with specialization in: Fisheries and Aquaculture; Parasitology; Entomology.
iii. Ph.D/M.Phil Biology with specialization in Ecology and Environmental Biology, Hydrobiology and Conservation Biology
iv. M.Sc Biology with specialization in Ecology and Environmental Biology, Hydrobiology and Conservation Biology
v. Postgraduate Diploma in Biological Sciences (PGDBS)
Department of Plant Biology
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Plant Biology with specialization in: Genetics, Plant Physiology, Plant Ecology, Plant Anatomy,
Biosystematics/Taxonomy, Mycology/Plant Pathology, Aquatic Botany and Ethnomedicine
ii. M.Sc Plant Biology with specialization in: Genetics, Plant Physiology, Plant Ecology, Plant Anatomy, Biosystematics/Taxonomy, Mycology/Plant Pathology, Aquatic Botany and Ethnomedicine
Department of Microbiology
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Microbiology with specialization in: Medical Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology and Pharmaceutical Microbiology.
ii. M.Sc Microbiology with specialization in: Medical Microbiology, Industrial Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology and Pharmaceutical.
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiology PGDEP)
iv. Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental and Public Health (PGDEPH)
Department of Physics
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Physics with specialization in: Atomic Physics; Nuclear Structure Physics; Solid-State Physics; Optics; Electronics; Geophysics.
ii. M.Sc Physics with specialization in: Atomic Physics; Nuclear Structure Physics; Solid-State Physics; Optics; Electronics; Geophysics.
iii. M.Sc Electronics
iv. M.Sc Geophysics
v. M.Sc Nuclear Physics.
vi. Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Physics (PGDIP)
Department of Economics
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Economics
ii. M.Sc Economics
iii. Masters in Banking and Finance(MBF) Full-Time/Part Time
iv. Masters in Health Economics (MHE) Full-Time/Part Time
v. Postgraduate Diploma in Health Economics (PGDHE) Full-Time/Part Time
vi. Postgraduate Diploma in Banking and Finance(PGDBF)FullTime/Part Time
Department of Political Science
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Political Science with specialization in: Political Economy, Political Theory, International Relations, Policy and Administration, Nigerian and African Politics, Islamic and Middle Eastern Politics, Comparative Politics
ii. M.Sc Political Science with specialization in: Political Economy, Political Theory, International Relations, Policy and Administration, Nigerian and African Politics, Islamic and Middle Eastern Politics, Comparative Politics
iii. Masters in Public Policy and Administration (MPPA)
iv. Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy and Administration (PGDPPA)
Department of Sociology
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Sociology with specialization in: Demography, Criminology, Complex Organizations, Medical Sociology, Social Policy
ii. M.Sc Sociology with specialization in: Demography, Criminology, Complex Organizations, Medical Sociology, Social Policy
iii. Masters in Crime Management Prevention and Control (MCMPC)
iv. Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy and Administration (PGDSPA)
v. Postgraduate Diploma in Crime Management Prevention and Control (PGDCMPC)
Department of Accounting
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Accounting
ii. M.Sc Accounting
iii. Masters in Treasury Management(MTM) Full-time and Part-time
iv. Masters in Accounting and Financial Management (MAFM)
v. Masters in Taxation and Revenue Administration (MTRA)
vi. Postgraduate Diploma in Accounting and Finance (PGDAF) Full-Time and Part-Time
Department of Business Administration and Entrepreneurship
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Management
ii. M.Sc Management
Department of Mass Communications
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Mass Communication
ii. M.Sc Mass Communications
iii. Masters in Public Relations (MPR)
iv. Masters in Communication Studies (MCS)
v. Postgraduate Diploma in Mass Communication (PGDMC)
Department of Geography
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Geography (Physical Geography)
ii. Ph.D/M.Phil Geography (Human Geography)
iii. Ph.D/M.Phil Geography (Population and Development)
iv. M.Sc Geography (Physical Geography)
v. M.Sc Geography (Human Geography)
vi. M.Sc Geography (Population and Development)
vii. M.Sc Land Resources (Land Development)
viii.M.Sc Land Resources (Land Administration)
ix. Postgraduate Diploma in Land Administration (PGDLA)
Department of Environmental Management
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Environmental Management
ii. M.Sc Environmental Management
iii. Masters in Environmental Management (MEM)
iv. Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Management (PGDEM)
a) M.Sc Islamic Banking and Finance
b) Masters in Islamic Banking and Finance (MIBF)
c) Postgraduate Diploma in Islamic Banking and Finance (PGDIBF)
Department of Agricultural Engineering
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Agricultural Engineering with specialization in: Farm Power and Machinery Engineering; Soil and Water Engineering; Processing and Storage Engineering
ii. M.Eng Agricultural Engineering with specialization in: Farm Power and Machinery Engineering; Soil and Water Engineering; Processing and Storage Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
i. Ph.D/M.Phil (Energy Engineering)
ii. Ph.D/M.Phil (Production Engineering)
iii. Ph.D/M.Phil Materials and Metallurgical Engineering.
iv. M.Eng (Energy Engineering)
v. M.Eng (Production Engineering)
vi. M.Eng Materials and Metallurgical Engineering.
vii. Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (PGDME)
Department of Electrical Engineering
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Electrical Engineering
ii. M.Eng. Electrical Engineering with specialization in (a) Communication Engineering, (b) Control & Instrumentation Engineering (c) Power & Machines Engineering (d) Electronics Engineering
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical Engineering (PGDEE)
Department of Civil Engineering
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Civil Engineering (Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering and Transportation Highway Engineering)
ii. M.Eng Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Construction Management, Transportation, Highway Engineering, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering)
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Engineering (PGDCE)
i. Ph.D Law
ii. LL.M Islamic Law
iii. LL.M Commercial Law
iv. LL.M Public Law
v. LL.M International Law
vi. Masters in Business and Commercial Law (MBCL)
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Agricultural Economics
ii. M.Sc Agricultural Economics
iii. M.Sc Agricultural Extension
iv. Ph.D/M.Phil Agricultural Economics (Livelihood and Natural Resources Economics)
v. M.Sc Agricultural Economics (Livelihood and Natural Resources Economics)
Department of Soil Science
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Soil Science
ii. M.Sc Soil Science
Department of Agronomy
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Agronomy
ii. Ph.D/M.Phil Agronomy with specialization in Crops and Cropping Systems in the Dry
iii. M.Sc Agronomy
iv. M.Sc Agronomy with specialization in Crops and Cropping Systems in the Dry Lands
v. Postgraduate Diploma in Horticulture (PGDH)
vi. Postgraduate Diploma in Irrigation Agronomy (PGDIA)
vii. Postgraduate Diploma in Dryland Agriculture (PGDDA)
Department of Crop Protection
i. M.Sc Crop Protection with Specialization in (Agricultural Entomology), (Phytomycology), (Phytobacteriology), (Phytovirology) and (Phytonematology).
Department of Animal Science
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Animal Science with Specialization in any of the following areas: Pasture Production and Range Management; Ruminant Nutrition; Monogastric Nutrition; Animal Reproduction and Physiology; Animal Products and Processing;
ii. M.Sc Animal Science with Specialization in any of the following areas: Pasture Production and Range Management; Ruminant Nutrition; Monogastric Nutrition; Animal Reproduction and Physiology; Animal Products and Processing;
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Animal Science (PGDAS)
iv. Ph.D/M.Phil Dryland Agriculture with specialization in Range and Livestock Management
v. M.Sc Dryland Agriculture with specialization in Range and Livestock Management
Department of Computer Science
i. M.Sc Computer Science
ii. Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Science (PGDCS)
Department of Information Technology (IT)
i. Masters in Information and Communication Technology (MICT)
ii. Professional Masters Programme in Information Technology Law (MITL).
The programme is unique and the first of it’s kind which was designed to offer opportunity for law and non-law graduates to pursue and explore knowledge in the emerging legal aspects of Information communication Technology.
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Pharmacology
ii. M.Sc Pharmacology.
Department of Physiotherapy
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Physiotherapy
ii. M.Sc Physiotherapy
iii. Master of Physiotherapy (MPT)
Department of Medical Laboratory Science
i. Ph.D/M.Phil MLS with areas of specialization
a. Chemical Pathology/Clinical Chemistry
b. Haematology and Blood Transfusion Sciences
c. Histopathology
d. Medical Bacteriology
e. Medical Mycology
f. Medical Parasitology and Entomology
g. Medical Virology
h. Immunology
ii. M.Sc Medical Laboratory Science with areas of specialization
a. Chemical Pathology/Clinical Chemistry
b. Haematology and Blood Transfusion Sciences
c. Histopathology
d. Medical Bacteriology
e. Medical Mycology
f. Medical Parasitology and Entomology
g. Medical Virology
h. Immunology
iii. Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Laboratory Science (PGDMLS) with areas of specialization in:
a. Chemical Pathology/Clinical Chemistry
b. Haematology and Blood Transfusion
c. Histopathology
d. Medical Microbiology
Department of Physiology
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Human Physiology
ii. M.Sc Human Physiology
Department of Biochemistry
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Biochemistry
ii. M.Sc Biotechnology
iii. M.Sc Biochemistry with the specialization in any of the following areas; Medical; Toxicology; Nutrition; Environmental; Industrial
Department of Anatomy
i. Ph.D Anatomy
ii. M.Sc Anatomy
Department of Microbiology Obstetrics and Gynaecology
i. M.Sc Human Reproduction
ii. Masters in Reproductive Health (MRH)
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
i. Ph.D/M.Phil Medical Microbiology with specialization in Bacteriology, Parasitology, Virology, Immunology and Mycology
ii. M.Sc Medical Microbiology with specialization in Bacteriology, Parasitology, Virology, Immunology and Mycology
Department of Otorhinolaryngology
i. M.Sc Otorhinolaryngology
Department of Community Medicine
i. M.Sc Public Health.
Hope this was informative enough, you are advised to read other related posts as seen below. Also, if you have any question(s) as regards Bayero University Kano (BUK) post graduate programmes/courses, feel free to ask by scrolling down to the comment section below and our team would be on ground to respond swiftly.
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