Obong University 2013/2014 Admission Application Begins

Obong University 2013/2014 Admission Application Begins

We're pleased to announce that Obong University has begun accepting application for admission into the institution in the 2013/2014 Academic Session.

Candidates who intend to apply will be required to pay an application fee of N5,000.

How to apply

1. First, Fill out the online application form. To access the form right now, click here
2. Pay application fee of N5,000.00 at any of the
banks listed below.
First Bank Plc, Obong University (Account
# 2012748914)
Zenith Bank Plc, Obong University
(Account # 1011581876)
Enterprise Bank Ltd, Obong University
(Account # 1900051015)
3. Complete your application by filling out the
Bank Payment section. You will be required to
supply the name of the bank and payment voucher
Your application will be processed by the
Registry and you will be contacted via e-mail
about the status of your application.
4. You can modify your application details by clicking here
For all enquiries, please call the Registrar on +234 802 891 5795 or email

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