The Senate of Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, at its meeting held today, Friday, 16th April 2021 extended the ongoing 2019/2020 Harmattan Semester by two (2) weeks.
Consequently, the semester examinations scheduled to commence on Monday, 26th of April, 2021 will now be from 10th May, 2021
The Matriculation ceremony for fresh students, which was to be held on Wednesday, April 21 2021 has been shifted by two weeks too.
All Matriculating students are expected to be on campus for the ceremony
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While a more detailed Calendar reflecting the changes will be circulated in due course, highlights of the amended Calendar are as indicated below:
- Lectures continue till April 30, 2021
- Lecture free week is Monday, 3, 2021 to Friday, April 7, 2021
- The matriculation ceremony will hold on Wednesday, May 5, 2021
- Examinations will start on Monday, May 10, 2021
We wish all students the very best of luck in their preparations for the forthcoming examinations
Thank you.