Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU has postponed examinations scheduled to hold between Tuesday, 4th and Friday, 7th April, 2017.
The Senate of the Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile – Ife, has approved the postponement of all examinations that fall within the time frame of Pre NUGA.
Consequently, any departmental or Faculty examination earlier scheduled to hold between Tuesday, 4th and Friday, 7th April, 2017 has now been summarily shifted to fall within Monday, 10th and Thursday, 13th April, 2017.
Accordingly, lecturers and students concerned are advised to abide by this new arrangement as approved by the University Senate.
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This postponement has become necessary so that students who are representing the University will have enough time to prepare for both Pre NUGA and their respective examinations.
Signed: Registrar.