OAU Postgraduate College notice to new & returning Postgraduate students

OAU Postgraduate College notice to new & returning Postgraduate students

This is to inform all the new and returning Postgraduate students of the Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) that the management has issued a notice as follows 

I refer to your application for Postgraduate admission, and I am pleased to inform you to take note of the following:

(i) Lectures would commence 13th November, 2023.

(ii) All new students are expected to have completed the necessary documentation as appropriate. Visit the NetQue Postgraduate Portal (https://netque.oauife.edu.ng) to commence registrartion.

(iii) Accommodation is available on request on the University's e-portal for the normal duration of study. Kindly log on to https://eportal.oauife.edu.ng for more information.


(i) All 2023 graduating students are expected to complete the online registration on or before the convocation date. https://eportal.oauife.edu.ng/grad_login.php

All Ph.D. graduands should forward the following to pgmails@oauife.edu.ng with digital photograph as the subject of the mail:

(a) Digital Photograph

(b) Name

(c) Department

(d) Degree Awarded

(e) Thesis Title

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