OAU Notice to New and Returning Postgraduate Students

OAU Notice to New and Returning Postgraduate Students

Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU) extends its greetings to all new and returning postgraduate students. As you embark on or continue your academic pursuits, the Postgraduate College has released some key information that will guide you through the upcoming academic year.

For New Postgraduate Students

Lecture Commencement

  • Lectures are scheduled to begin on 13th November 2023. Mark your calendars to ensure a smooth start to your studies.

Documentation and Registration

  • You are expected to have completed all necessary documentation by now. Please visit the NetQue Postgraduate Portal at NetQue OAU Postgraduate Portal to start your registration process without delay.

Accommodation Details

  • Should you need university accommodation, it’s available upon request for the standard duration of your course. For more information and to make your request, log on to the OAU e-portal.

For Graduating Postgraduate Students

Completion of Online Registration

  • All students set to graduate in 2023 must complete their online registration before the convocation ceremony. To do this, visit OAU Graduating Students Portal.

Submission of Information for Ph.D. Graduands

  • Ph.D. students must submit the following information to pgmails@oauife.edu.ng, with ‘Digital Photograph’ as the subject of the email:
    • A digital photograph
    • Your full name
    • Department
    • Degree Awarded
    • Thesis Title

This is an exciting time for you at OAU, whether you’re just joining us or gearing up to graduate. Make sure to follow these instructions carefully to ensure that your academic journey at OAU proceeds smoothly. We’re here to support you every step of the way, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance. Welcome to a year of achievement and success at OAU!

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