Students from these Faculties are expected to come to campus on the scheduled dates against their Faculties for the practical contents of their courses. They are to comply strictly with COVID-19 protocols while on campus.
First Group:
Monday, 8th of March,2021 to Friday, 26th of March, 2021
1. Science - Parts 1 to 4
2. Pharmacy - Parts 1 to 4
3. BMS Parts 1 to 2 Nursing and 1 to 3 Med. Rehab
4. Clinical - Parts 1 to 3
5. Dentistry - Parts 1 to 3
6. Education (Science related) - Parts 1 to 4
Only students offering the following courses:
(i) IED337-Experimental Chemistry for Secondary School Teachers I
(ii) IED435- Experimental Physics for Secondary School Teachers II
(iii). IED231-Foundations in Biological Science I
(iv). IED335 -General Biology I
7. Social Sciences - Parts 1 to 4
Only students offering the following courses:
(i) CSC201 - Introduction to programming.
(ii) CSC221 - Computer Appreciation
Second Group
Monday, 29th of March, 2021 to Friday, 16th of April, 2021
1. Administration - Parts 1 to 4
2. Agriculture - Parts 1 to 3, 5
3. Arts - Parts 1 to 4
4. EDM - Parts 1 to 5
5. Technology -Parts 1 to 5
6. Education (Arts related) - Parts 1 to 4.