Over the past two months,i have read a lot of comments and complaints from many students residing in different parts of Nigeria on the admission policies of the Primus University in Nigeria,Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife.
The students complained on various issues like inadequate time for the post utme exam,high cut off marks set by their department of choice and some who were fortunate enough to make the cut off marks could not find their names on both the merit and supplementary admission list,why,why,why,that is the question they are asking.
Hence,there is need to educate the public on some factors which are "sine qua non" for every students who hoped to have a smooth admission into Oba Awon university,after a careful consideration of the comments and complaints,I decide to discuss on the reasons why many students have been unlucky.
First of all,my school,OAU is an institution that never joke with three admission factors(jamb subjects combination,post utme score and the cut off marks for each of her numerous departments),with the use of English which is compulsory for all courses,these are the accepted jamb combinations for some faculties.
1.Faculty of administration-Econs,Govt and Maths(EGM).
2-faculty of social science-econs,geography and maths or econs,govt and maths(EGM).
3-faculty of technology-Chemistry,Maths/Physics(CMP).
4-faculty of engineering-Chemistry/Maths/Physics(CMP).
5-Faculty of Arts-C.R.K/Literature in Eng/History or Govt(CLH or CLG).
6-Faculty of Health Science-Biology,Chemistry and Physics(BCP).
Other faculties not included should be sought for but take note,OAU does not accept commerce in any of her courses,in fact,even after admission,it can make registration very cumbersome because commerce is not required as one of the five O'level subjects requirements.
Secondly,irrespective of his/her jamb score,a candidate will be considered for admission only if such candidate score 200 and above in the post utme exam.
Thirdly,the departmental cut off is the most important factor that has no subtitute,once a candidate can attain or beat the cut off mark for their department,then such candidate is already home and dry for admission is 100%.
From the foregoing,it is an incontrovertible fact that the bulk of students that complain of high handedness on OAU admission policy haven't done their home work well before applying,hence the complaints.
Lastly,here is my piece of advice to all students that has been frustrated by OAU post utme and those who wish to apply that"it takes the best to be the best",some schools are better but OAU is the best,don't let other peoples experience wear you down,OAU is open and accommodating to everyone here and there,follow the above mentioned factors,put in your best and OAU will say yes to you.