Oando Plc Developer Internship Contest 2019

Oando Plc Developer Internship Contest 2019

Oando Plc Developer Internship Contest

So You Think You Can Code? We are looking for the next #OandoIntern.

We have everything ready for you. A work environment that lets you thrive, brilliant minds to learn from and a totally awesome workspace. Complete this stage and you could be coding your way into our team.

Oando Developer Internship Contest Eligibility

  • Contestants must be between the ages of 18 to 25 as at the date of submission.
  • Contestants must be resident in Lagos, Nigeria. In the event that a contestant is resident outside Lagos, he/she shall bear all out-of-pocket expenses relating to transportation and accommodation.
  • Contestants are required to have a basic understanding of coding and web development.
  • Contestants are required to have a basic understanding of the global developing space.
  • Contestants must possess good oral and written communication skills.
  • An entry shall be deemed to have been personally submitted by the contestant. Only individuals shall be eligible to participate in the contest. Entries from Organizations shall neither be accepted nor considered.
  • Entries from the following shall not be accepted: 
    • Employees, Interns, Directors, and Officers of Oando PLC and their immediate family members; or
    • Staff of all Agencies, Companies, and entities involved in the administration, advertising, judging, creation, development, execution of the contest and the immediate family members. For the purpose of this document, immediate family members shall include spouse, recognized partner, parents, children and step children, siblings, and members of the same household.
  • Once an entry has been submitted and been accepted, the name of the contestant will be publicized.

Oando Developer Internship Contest Benefit.

  • Prize: 6-month internship with Oando PLC’s Corporate Communications Team at Oando PLC’s Head Office in Lagos.
  • The winner will be announced on Oando PLC’s Social Media platforms and will be required to confirm his/her acceptance of the prize by email within 5 (Five) working days. Failure to confirm acceptance within the stipulated time, will amount to a forfeiture of the prize and, Oando PLC reserves the right to select another winner. 

How to Submit Entries for Oando Developer Internship Contest. 

  • All Interested parties are expected to submit/upload their entries on the contest website – oandoplc.com/hy19-internship  and state how they intend to revamp Oando PLC’s website, if successful and the reason(s) why.
  • Entries are welcome from undergraduates/fresh graduates from tertiary institutions resident in Lagos. Where an interested party resides outside Lagos, he/she shall be responsible for his/her transportation and accommodation costs.
  • Oando PLC reserves the right to change or postpone the internship start date.
  • All Stage 1 entries must be submitted on or before the close of business, Thursday 27th June 2019.
  • All Stage 2 entries must be submitted on or before 12 noon, Friday 5th July 2019.
  • Stage 3 of the Competition will be conducted by way of interviews. Interviews are scheduled to hold from 8th – 10th July 2019. However, please note that the interview dates are tentative and subject to change as Oando PLC’s business processes demand.
  • Entries from contestants who do not follow Oando PLC across all its social media platforms will not be considered.

Submit Entries Official Link

Once an entry is submitted, it is considered a final submission and may not be modified, edited, or replaced.

All submissions must be original and developed solely by the contestant.

Please note that entry submission times/deadlines are in West African Time (WAT).

Only successful contestants will be contacted.

Any questions, complaints or comments in respect to the contest shall be in writing and sent as an email to [email protected].

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