All Prospective Corps Members (PCMs) scheduled for the orientation exercise that commences on January 19th, 2021 are to note the following for strict compliance during the Orientation Course:
1.PCMs are expected to go to their dashboard and fill in the COVID-19 test self-reporting format before printing of Call-up letters.
2. PCMs are to download and print the code and slip generated, for presentation at the Orientation Camps.
3. PCMs must adhere strictly to their assigned date of reporting to the Orientation Camps.
4. No PCMs will be allowed into the Camps if they come before their appointment date.
5. Upon arrival at Camp, PCMs must subject themselves to COVID-19 test.
6. PCMS must report to camp with at least two (2) washable facemasks.
7. Wearing of facemasks on Camp at all times is mandatory.
8. PCMs must take responsibility of their own safety and ensure strict compliance with all COVID-19 Safety Protocols.
9. All foreign-trained PCMs must arrive the Country two (2) weeks before the commencement of the Orientation Course.
10. Frequent washing of hands at the wash hand points and use of alcohol based hands sanitizer
11. Physical distancing must be observed in all Camp activities.
12. Avoid touching of face with unwashed hands
13. All Corps Members must attend the sensitization on Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) of COVID-19 to be conducted in the Camps.