The mobilization time table for 2014 Batch b corp members is as follows;
1.Registration of Foreign Nigerian Graduates.14th April, 2014 - 11th July, 2014
2.Batch 'B' pre-Mobilization, Deployment & Relocation Officers' Workshop. 6th - 9th May, 2014
3.Submission of Masterlist by Corps Producing Institution/Screening/Vetting by Mob. officers. 2nd - 7th June, 2014
4.Delivery of Print-outs to CPIs.16th - 18th June, 2014
5.Return of Corrected Printouts by Institutions to Mobilization Dept.25th - 27th June, 2014
6.Briefing of Final year Students/Prospective Corps members in CPIs.7th - 11th July, 2014
7.Delivery of Call-up letters to CPIs. 28th - 31st July, 2014
8.2014 Batch 'B' Orientation Programmes.5th - 26th August, 2014