NYSC 2013 Batch B Passing-Out Ceremony Timetable

NYSC 2013 Batch B Passing-Out Ceremony Timetable

The winding-up activities for the 2013 Batch B corps members is as follows:
Monday 19th May, 2014 – Tuesday 27th May, 2014
• Job Creation and Awareness Week, Sensitization of Corps Members on Job Creation/Opportunities after Service. This will be done at the Zonal level using relevant officers.
• Lectures/Seminars on Job opportunities by the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) at the Zonal level.
Wednesday 28th, May – Friday 30th May, 2014
• Release of Passing-out Corps Members by Employers.
• Registration/Clearing of Corps Members. Information on conditions for issuance of Certificates of National Service
Monday 2nd June, 2014
• Parade Rehearsal
• Signing of Final clearance by Zonal Inspectors.
Tuesday 3rd June, 2014
• Parade Rehearsal.
• Signing of Final clearance by Zonal Inspectors.
• Debriefing/Evaluation of Service Year.
• Administration of Questionnaire (Form 4B) on 5% of the Passing-out Corps Members.
Wednesday 4th June, 2014
• Final Parade Rehearsal.
• State Farewell Party to be presided over by the Governor of the State.
Thursday 5th June, 2014
• Passing-out Ceremony to be presided over by the Governor of the State.
• Distribution of Certificates of National Service to deserving corps members.

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