NUT FCT wing, Abuja suspends strike action

NUT FCT wing, Abuja suspends strike action

The Nigerian Union of Teachers, FCT wing Abuja has released an official letter stating that the on-going Strike action by FCT primary school is suspended and also that the intended solidarity strike by FCT secondary school Teachers is equally suspended.

See announcement below:

An emergency meeting of the State Wing Executive Council (SWEC) of the Ngeria Union of Teachers (NUT) FCT Wing was held on Sunday 8th November, 2020 to review the on-going Strike action on the non-implementation and payment of Arrears of the New National Minimum Wage of FCT Primary Schools Teachers

1. The meeting dwelt extensively on the interventions of FCT stakeholders in Education, Civil Society Organization and well-meaning individuals in FCT vis-a vis the offer of the FeT Area Council's Chairmen to the Union on the ISSue.

2. SWEC-In-Session registered its unalloyed and untainted appreciation to the resoluteness, commitment and steadfastness of its members (teachers) in sustaining the strike, while it lasted

3. SWEC-In-Session acknowledges the interventions of the FCT Administration and other stakeholders in Education towards resolving the contending issues

After exhaustive deliberations on the contending issues and noting the appreciable ommitment of the FCTA Management and the Area Councils Chairmen to the "Union's demands, the SWEC-In-Session resolved thus: 

I. That the on-going strike action by FCT Primary Schools Teachers be suspended with immediate effect.

II. All LEA Primary Schoois teachers are hereby directed to returh to ne classrooms with effect from Monday 9th November, 2020.

III. The intended solidarity strike by FCT Secondary Schools Teachers slated for Monday 9 November, 2020 is equally suspended.

IV. That if by omission or commission, the Area Councils Chairmen tais abide by the agreement reached to effect the implementation or The New National Minimum Wage by January 2021. the Union will have no other option than to resume its suspended strike.

V. That No teacher or Staff should be victimized or punished tor participating in the strike

 SWEC-In-Session hereby requested all FCT teachers to resume work in hopeful anticipation of a fair and positive consideration of the Unions demands.

Thank you.

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