The general public is hereby informed that whereas the National Universities Commission (NUC) maintains its stand that online degrees are not accepted in Nigeria at the moment, this does not include the approved Nigerian Universities e-Learning Programme run within the shores of Nigeria.
The Nigerian Universities e-Learning Programme is a legitimate and well thought out pilot e-learning initiative. It is a Public Private Partnership between the National Universities Commission (NUC), Park Associates E-Learning Group, and four federal universities.
Its goal is to provide new opportunities for students to access university education in Nigeria.
The four Participating Universities are:
i. University of Uyo;
ii. National Open University of Nigeria;
iii. Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto; and
iv. University of Maiduguri.
Students enrolled in the Programme can select any of the following undergraduate degree programmes: Economics, Banking & Finance, Accounting, Business Administration and Marketing for which they have requisite qualifications. The Programme for now is only available for candidates who wish to obtain BSc Degree in Economics.
The Commission wishes to use this medium to allay all fears and doubts concerning the legitimacy or NUC endorsement of the Nigerian Universities e-Learning Programme. This is one of the avenues that the National Universities Commission is exploring to increase access to university education without compromising quality. Students in the Programme are therefore advised to continue to pursue their studies without fear and prospective applicants are encouraged to enrol.
Concerned parents, guardians, students and the general
public may contact the Commission for further clarification on the Programme under reference.