This week NUC Team which consists of different panels payed a one week visit to ksusta in order to accredit various programmes (existing and new programmes) of the institution.
The accreditation process began on last Monday 3/12/12 to Friday 7/12/12, the faculty of science panels recommended the ultra modern laboratories in each department of the faculty as they made mention in Biological science laboratory is the only laboratory that has electronic microscope in the whole tertiary institution of Northern Nigeria.
NUC officials commended KSUSTA for being one, among the three schools in Nigeria that has the electronic microscope. Likewise they recommended chemistry laboratory on deep research on nuclear power and radioactivity and is the only chemistry laboratory that has high number of analytical weighing balance with 7 decimal place.
The panels appreciated the higher degree qualification of the faculty's lecturer as 80% of the lecturers are Professors' and Ph.D's holder meanwhile we are waiting for the full details of the recommendation by the panels from science, agriculture, engineering, library, ICT among others and we will update you as soon as it released to the public.
Long live Nigeria!
Long live Ksusta!!
Long live Ksusites!!!