NOUN Updates Elearn/Facilitation/TMA Portal

NOUN Updates Elearn/Facilitation/TMA Portal

Introduction: Navigating the Digital Pivot in Education

In keeping pace with the accelerating digital transformation within educational frameworks, the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) has undertaken a momentous update of their Elearn/Facilitation/TMA (Tutor Marked Assignment) Portal. As virtual learning environments become increasingly indispensable, the NOUN’s portal enhancements are designed to enrich students’ academic experiences by making interactions with the platform more efficient and secure.

Newly Updated Portal: Access and Login Credentials

The Website Transformation: A User-Friendly Interface

The platform has transitioned to a new website: This newly updated website is designed to facilitate a user-friendly experience while upholding the stringent standards required for secure academic activities.

Initial Login: Username and Default Password

For existing users, your matriculation number serves as your username, and your initial password will be nou in lowercase. For example, if your matriculation number is 123456789, your credentials for initial login will be:

  • Username: 123456789
  • Password: nou

It is pertinent to point out that these are your default login credentials upon your first interaction with the updated platform.

Mandatory Password Change: Fortifying Security Measures

Upon your first login, you will be prompted to change your password. It is imperatively advised to choose a secure password, incorporating a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. This serves as a crucial layer in the security architecture, ensuring that your academic records and interactions remain confidential.

Concluding Remarks: A Seamless Academic Experience

With the introduction of this updated Elearn/Facilitation/TMA Portal, NOUN reaffirms its commitment to providing a seamless, secure, and enriched learning experience for its student community. Therefore, as you access the newly launched platform, it is of utmost importance that you diligently follow the procedural guidelines for initial login and subsequent security measures.

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Don’t miss out on maximising the benefits of this technological advancement. Your proactive participation is the first step towards a more streamlined academic journey at NOUN.

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