NOUN Commences Online Facilitation 2020_1

NOUN Commences Online Facilitation 2020_1

NOUN students are encouraged to continue with their studies as we all comply with the stay-at-home instructions to stop the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).

As we are aware NOUN as an Open and Distance Learning Institution (ODL) allows learning at a distance as it focuses on open access to education freeing learners from the constraints of time and place. In spite of the current challenges NOUN students are encouraged to take advantage of the Online Facilitation sessions made available for many courses

Online Facilitation offers the opportunity for students to engage with facilitators on the course materials. Typically, the facilitation exercise comprises of three main activities:

1. Video Conferencing Sessions: Here the facilitator will come online for one hour based on a predetermined schedule (see . The facilitator will briefly explain concepts in a course module or unit under consideration after which he/she answers questions students may have on the course material. All the video conferencing session will be recorded and made available on the NOUN Learning Space for review and the benefit of those that could not join the sessions.

2. Discussion Forums: An online discussion forum is a learning tool that gives students a place to express their opinion and understanding regarding the topic outlined for discussion. Students will be able to challenge one another to think deep on the course. The online facilitator will guide the process.

3. Chat Sessions with other students in the course

Students may participate in the activities using internet-enabled smart devices i.e. smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. Throughout the exercise students are expected to exhibit basic online etiquette

All NOUN’s online platforms remain accessible to staff and students. Specifically, the online learning platforms can be accessed via and . The timetable for Online Facilitation can be accessed on

Please be reminded of the recommended measures to help protect individuals from the Coronavirus Disease see

Directorate of Learning Content Management System

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