NOUN notice to students who registered for GST302

NOUN notice to students who registered for GST302

All students that registered for GST302 in this semester 2020_2 should start to write their business proposals. The focus at the North Central Incubation Centre this semester is to base Our proposals on three Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Good health and well-being for people.
  • Quality Education

Students are to develop enterprise ideas that address any of these goals. They should tailor their proposals to bring creative ideas to meet societal needs in these three areas.

The proposal should be typed in Microsoft Word ready for uploading. Get ready for there may not be enough time tor uploading and presentation.

You will be informed of the date to start uploading and presentation very soon.

Contact the GST Desk Officer in your Centre for further clarifications.

Thank you. 

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