NOUN announces essay competition for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students

NOUN announces essay competition for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students

The Vice Chancellor has announced the institution of an Annual Essay Competition on Open and Distance  Learning (ODL), at the National Open University of Nigeria.

The award is being instituted as an opportunity to share insights and experiences of students engagement with various segments of the University in a discursive academic style. The essay would reflect one or more aspects of the operations of NOUN and as it relates to students, satisfaction and experience with the relevant segment. It shall be called: The Vice-Chancellor's ODL Essay Competition. It shall be on annual basis.

2.0. 2022 Vice-Chancellor' 0DL Essay Competitien

Entries are hereby invited from final year undergraduate and postgraduate Programmes at all Faculties in the University on the  topic experience as a student of Open and DistanceLearning (ODL) at the National Open University of Nigeria.

3.0 The 2022 Vice-Chancellor's ODL Esay Coapetition.

Undergraduate: Entries are hereby invited from final year stuidents of undergraduate Programnes at all Faculties in the University on the topic, My expericnce as a sudent of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) at the National Open University of Nigeria"

P'ostgraduate: Enries are hereby invited from final year students of postgraduate Programmes at all Faculties in the Univerity on the topic: "MY experience as a stiudent of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) at the National Open University of Nigeria"

3.2 Guidelines

a) Participation is limited to only final year students of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes respectively in the National Open Univernity of Nigeria (NOUN)

b) Essays must be within 1500-2,000 word

c)Entries are to be submitted via e-mail to: [email protected] with the subject, 2022 Vice-Chancellor Essay Competition" for this year' event

d)All Essay must be submitted on or before 12am on 31st January, 2023

e) Winning entries shall be notified of their suceess by 2 February., 2023.


The categories of awards are as follows for undergraduate stodents and Postgraduate students respectively:

Overall Best Essay - A certificate and cash prire of N50,000.00

2nd Place Position - A certificate and cash prire of N30.000.00

3rd Place Position - A certificate and casth prize of N20,000.00

Best Essay in a Faculty - A certificate and cash prize of N20,000.00

a. Prizes shall be announced and given at a convocation.

Al Study Centre Directors are hereby enjoined to give this advertisement a wide publicity in their respective Study Centres to ensure that no eligible student is left out.

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