NOUN announces commencement of the suspended 2020_1 physical e-exam

NOUN announces commencement of the suspended 2020_1 physical e-exam

This is to inform the General public that the Management of the National Open University of Nigeria has announced the resumption of the suspended 2020 Physical E-EXAMINATION. See announcement below;

"Please refer to the above subject matter and to your request to suspend the ongoing e-Examination at your Study Centres due to security situations around your locations.

Following your request to resume the Examination at your Study Centres, the Vice Chancellor has approved the attached Study Centre specific ETT for the completion of the Examination.

Please there should be no additions at this time as no one is sure whether or not your students had visited another Centre while your Centre was under lock down due to curfew imposed in your State.

The ETT is specific for Study Centres that suspended the Examination as a result of the situation in their locality.

Therefore, inform your students to avoid social media information without clarilying the authenticity and accuracy of such information from the Centre Director.

Thank you"

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