NNPC/Total merit scholarship list of successful candidates, 2020/2021

NNPC/Total merit scholarship list of successful candidates, 2020/2021

Total Upstream Nigeria Limited (TUPNI), in pursuance of its Corporate Social Respectability under the OML130 Asset, is pleased to offer the under listed students, an award of 2020/2021 NNPC/Total National Merit Scholarship following their performance at the Scholarship Selection Test conducted on Saturday, December 5, 2020 at various centers across the Country.

The List of successful candidates is also available on our Scholarship Portal.

Click here to check list of successful candidates

Successful candidates shall be contacted through their email addresses for their Award Letters and Acceptance Forms.

Successful candidates are required to accept their offer by returning a scanned copy of their completed and signed Acceptance Form by email to scholarscsredu@total.com on or before 20th May, 2021

Hardcopies of their Award Letters and the Acceptance Forms shall be sent by courier to them through The Head of Department in their institutions.

TOTAL will enter into correspondence with only the shortlisted successful candidates.

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