The President, Goodluck Jonathan, has set-up a committee to pick the "Best Brains" of 100 first class graduates in Nigeria for a Study-Abroad Scholarship when furthering their education.
According to the president he wants the committee to select the best 100 first-class students in some specialized courses such as the sciences, engineering and economics from universities in the country and expose them to the best facilities in the world.
In the selection process, there will be no quota system so the committee is simply supposed to pick the best regardless of where they are in the country.
The beneficiaries however are expected to sign a deal to lecture in the nation's institution for the next five years after graduation, after which they can venture into any business or firm they want to work.
Details as to when the selection is to be made is still unclear but the president asked the committee to begin work immediately.
We hope to get a full report from this committee soon and hope this is not just another publicity stunt, which will be swept under the carpet and never be reported again.