Niger State Ministry of Education, Minna, wishes to inform all students in public and private schools of the commencement of the Third phase of Teaching and Learning on Radio for both junior and Senior Secondary classes (JSS1 –SS2) who have stayed at home for a couple of months as a result of proactive closure of Schools due to COVID-19 pandemic
The Ministry has concluded arrangement with 8 Radio stations across the state to continue with the ongoing Teaching and Learning on Radio. Although Niger State Government have re-opened schools in the state for all classes, but the importance of Teaching and Learning on Radio can not be overemphasized, hence the need for it’s continuation. This effort is to further reinforce and maintain continuity in learning through keeping students connected with the learning in all classes as well as to better equip and reposition students
The programme is set to begin from Monday 2nd November 2020.
The following Radio stations are slated for the Programme
- Station: Prestige
Location: FM Minna
Frequency: 91.7 FM
- Station: Landmark
Location: Kontogara
Frequency: 90.5
- Station: Zuma
Location: FM Suleja
Frequency: 88.5FM
- Station: Crystal
Location: FM Minna
Frequency: 91.3FM
- Station: Power
Location: FM Bida
Frequency: 100.5FM
- Station: Lavin community Radio
Location: Kutigi
Frequency: 95.5FM
- Station & Location: Koro New Bussa Radio Station
Frequency: 981.306FM
- Station: Click FM IBBU
Location: Lapal
Frequency: 89.9FM
2. Students are hereby enjoined to utilize this great opportunity to learn from the comfort of their homes. The programme delivery will be in two segments/sanctions.
a. The segment/section one (1) begins from Monday through Fridays and will be delivered by the selected teachers in various subject areas.
b. Segment/section two (2) which will hold on Saturdays will be set aside for Evaluation (Feed-back sessions), where students will be engaged in questions and answers activities (Through phone calls, text messages and (WhatsApp Platforms).
3. Students with further inquires/relevant questions based on the topics delivered/presented during the programme can reach out to us (through text message) on this line: 0902928040. They can also join us on WhatsApp platform on the same number.
4. Dear esteem parents and students find below Time Table of each Radio Station for the lessons and please listen to the aforementioned RADIO STATIONS for further announcement on the specific time for each subject daily.