The School of postgraduate studies, Bayero University, Kano expanded its postgraduate programmes with the introduction of new programs in various departments. This strategic addition aims to equip students with specialized knowledge in sustainable knowledge in their various fields.
Newly Added BUK Postgraduate Courses
Department of information and Media studies
- PGD in information and Media studies
- M.Sc. information and Media studies
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. information and Media studies
Department of Adult Education & Community Services:
- Masters in Community Development and Environmental Sustainability
- Masters in Community Development and NGO Administration
Department of Mathematical Science
- PGD in Statistics
- M.Sc. Statistics
- Ph.D. Statistics
Department of Surgery
- M.Sc. Global Surgery and Policy
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Surgical Sciences
Department of Community Medicine
- M.Sc. Health Research Ethics
Department of Estate Management
- Professional Masters in Assets and Facility Managements
Department of Geology
- Masters Degree in Geo Energy
- M.Sc. Hydrology and Environmental Geology Splitted into:
- M.Sc. Hydrology
- M.Sc. Environmental Geology
Department of Theatre and Performing Arts
- M.A Theatre and Performing Arts
Department of Civil Engineering
- Ph.D. Civil Engineering (Option in Construction Management)
Department of Software Engineering
- M.Sc. Software Engineering
- Ph.D. Software Engineering
Department of Geography
- M.Sc. Geography and Climate Change
- Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Sustainable Natural Resources Management
Change of Nomenclature of Programmes
Department of Finance
- M.Sc. Banking and Finance Changed to M.Sc. Finance
- Ph.D. Banking and Finance Changed to Ph.D. Finance
- Masters in Banking and Finance Changed to Masters in Finance
- PGD in Banking and Finance Changed to PGD in Finance
Please note that all newly introduced postgraduate programmes are in the University portal for interested candidates for application.
You can also take a cursory view at the postgraduate programmes in full that ae currently available at BUK prior to these additions.
Feel free to reach me via the comment section below if you have any question as regards the subject matter and I will be happy to assist.