NEW: AAU Ekpoma Departmental Cut-off Marks for 2013/2014

NEW: AAU Ekpoma Departmental Cut-off Marks for 2013/2014

We published what we tagged the "Probable cut-off marks for Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma" last week. Students should please note that the the word "probable" shows that we are not yet sure of the publication. The idea however is to give the students an insight into what will likely be the drawline for the 2013/2014 admission.

As if the last week's post was not enough, this is yet another version from a student from AAU. Thus find Ambrose Alli university 2013/2014 session's admission cut-off marks below:

Agriculture. Agric. Econs& Ext. 40% Animal science. - 40% soil science. - 40% crop science. - 40%

Arts. English. -50%. Modern lang. -40%. Isd. -50%. Philosophy. -40%. Rel & cultural mgt. -40%. TMA. -50%.

College of Medicine. MLS. -54%. Physiology. -40%. Nursing. -60%. MBBS. -65%.

Education. Curri & instr. -40%. Educ.found & Mgt. -40%. G & C. -40%. PHE. -40%. Voc & tech.Educ. -40%.

Engineering. Civil Engr. -52%. Elect/elect. -54%. Mat & prod Engr. -40%. Mech. Engr. -52%.

Environmental studies. Architecture. -40%. Building. -40%. Fine & applied arts. -40%. Law. Law. -60%.

Management sciences. Accounting. -57%. Banking/finance. -51%. Business admin. -54%. Public admin. -52%.

Natural sciences. Botany. -40%. Biochem. -40%. Chem/ind.chem. -40%. Computer science. -45%. Maths/ind chem. -40%. Microbiology. -40%. Physics/Geo-phys. -40%. Zoology. -40%.

Social sciences. Economics. -50%. Geog & Reg plan. -40%. LIS. -40%. Political science. -45%. Psychology. -40%. Sociology. -45%

I'm here to help, pls I don't want abusive comments. Inbox me for my bb pin or add me on 2go Yvjagz. God bless

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